Just a normal day in Central City.

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S.T.A.R. Labs. The cursed place which constantly brings chaos one way or another. You'd think Harrison Wells would have made the City a better place, but how could he? Hes only one man. One man that can't take down a few meta-humans. I heard the constant lightning strike. Looking up into the sky, lightning of all colors came from the heavens, most not reaching the ground.  Like.. a hand on my shoulder? 

"August? You okay? You're just staring off into space." I stopped. I looked over to my left where I heard the voice. It was a woman. I didn't exactly know the women, yet I talk to her every once in a while. 

"I'm fine." I mutter. I continue walking forward, ready to meet my friends. I knew the Black Hole wasn't exactly a nice group, but they have something they shouldn't have. I stopped walking, and peered into a relatively big ally way. I found what I was hunting for. 

"Hey!" I yelled out. They had some S.T.A.R. Labs computers and gadgets that I had no idea of what they were. They all turned around, 12 to count. I knew I didn't like S.T.A.R. Labs, but stealing from them is really low. 

"Go away, we don't wanna hurt you." One of them said. He was one of the biggest guys there, but that didn't intimidate me. 

"That stuff isn't yours." I said, knowing they wouldn't want to shoot me. 

"Don't make me say it again. Get out of here." The same guy said, looking very annoyed.

"Why-" I started to say, but stopped when the man pulled out his gun. I couldn't tell what kind it was, only that it was a pistol. Sticking to my claim that they wouldn't shoot me, I figured out I was wrong. I heard a gunshot, closed my eyes, and waited for the impact. 

Just when the man pulled the trigger, and the gunshot echoed throughout the ally ways throughout the city, there was the cracking sound of lightning. I felt nothing. So bullet penetrating my skin. No lightning hitting me. I opened my eyes. Time was frozen in place, the bullet inches away from my nose. I looked down, and noticed that the ground was burnt. I knew I wasn't struck by lightning. I would probably be injured or dead, and I wouldn't to pause bullets in mid air. I paused. Can I catch bullets like this? I put my hand out, shaking, and touched the bullet. I pulled my hand away. It was burning, which isn't surprising, going at the speeds that it does. I packed all my courage into my hands and grabbed the bullet. Despite the burning sensation, the bullet felt light, which is better then it going through me. 

I smiled slightly. I walked up to the man who shot at me, and took his arm. I pulled his fist and pushed his elbow straight into his face. I went up to the two behind him, who seemed to be admiring the stolen tech with him. I threw a punch at him, then took his arm and threw it into his friend. I looked at the rest of them. I sighed, and decided they didn't really do anything. So, I picked up some of the assortments of tech, and threw it at them as hard as I could. If they are able to, they'll dodge it. Of course, the tech stopped as soon as it wasn't touching my hands. 

I stepped back, and looked at back of my hands. I turned them over, looking at my palms. I closed my eyes, slowly. After a few seconds, I heard a sort of crashing noise, and a bullet hit something behind me. I opened my eyes, to see quite a few men on the ground, and quite a few standing angry men. I started running from where I came from, not wanting to get caught, as I don't even know how I slowed time down. I seemed to reach the building across the ally way in a few seconds.. wait, what?

"Nice!" I said grinning. I set off, starting to feel wind flying across my face, as I took down the street with speeds I didn't know I could reach, I turned quickly, managing not to hit a car, and ran as fast as I could down the street and onto the bridge. I continued running for what seemed like seconds but should have taken hours. I stopped as soon as I reached CCPD. I was breathing heavily, but I decided to just try and ignore it for now. 

When I walk in, I greet everybody who walks past me. Its surprising, considering that I usually just ignore everyone. I practically run up the stairs, and all the way to my office. I open the door, and quietly close the door. I take a moment, and lean my back against the door. I close my eyes, attempting to steady my breathing. 

I hear a noise that makes me open my eyes. I looked around for anything. It sounded like a crackling noise. I look down at my hands. Lightning, or something like lightning, maybe electricity, was, well, coming out of me? It constantly made the same cackling noise earlier. I didn't know how I just noticed it.

 A phone ringing broke me out of my thoughts. I quickly walk over to it, picking it up and holding it to my ear. 

"Hello?" I say, waiting to hear who's on the line and why. 

"Is this August Heart?" A male voice asks.

"Yes, this is, what do you need?" I reply, waiting for him to explain why he wants me. Don't judge, I don't like to talk to people. 

"This is CCPD officer Lang, we need you down here. It seems there's been an incident with," he stops talking, as I can hear him talking to another officer, asking a question, "lightning? Yeah, lightning."

I raise my hand up and look at the lightning, or electricity, flow through my hands and to a pipe that was exposed by a hole in the wall. 

"How many were hit?" I ask, knowing that I shouldn't of just ran after what I saw.

I hear Lang talk to another officer, probably asking something again.

"It seems to have been 13. But that's all we've found so far." He says, scolding at something that I couldn't see. 

"I'll be there." I say, as I shakily put the phone back on the wall. Before I start to walk out, ready to do my job, I start to think about who got hit by the lightning as I walk down to the doors.

"Lets hope they don't have what I have." I mutter to myself, as I push the door open to the outside world. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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