Chapter Ten: The Chapel

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Betty shifted as she felt a sudden push against her shoulder.

"It's time to wake up Micky."

Betty groaned and turned away from the voice. Conor let out an exasperated sigh.

"We've got to get going."

At that moment Betty wanted nothing more than to relax back into the land of dreams, but the voice refused to let her go.  A hand grasped at her shoulder, shaking her slightly. Betty opened her eyes to glare up indignantly at her attacker.

Conor stood arms crossed, looking down at her with an irritated expression on his face.

"Ten more minutes!" She grunted out.

Conor rolled his eyes. "We need to get going before my mom gets back from work. So come on!"

Sensing her defeat Betty dragged herself out of bed. Her partner had already packed a backpack full of supplies, and had laid out a fresh set of clothes for her to wear. The clothes were of course still ill fitting but they were better than nothing.

The whole room looked way blurrier than Betty remembered it. She stood in confusion for a moment before she realized the the problem.

"My contacts!" The blonde teen exclaimed, before gently smacking her head with her palm.

"What about them?" Asked Conor uninterestedly, as he placed a few remaining things in the backpacks.

"I threw them out last night! I can't believe it. I just chucked them before the shower without thinking!"

'Well to be fair they were pretty old, and it's not like you had any contact solution' she mentally tried to justify. Betty continued to internally berat herself, as Conor reaches for something in one of the bags. The blonde teen was so consumed in her thoughts that she didn't notice the object he pulled out until he shoved it in front of her face.

"Here," Conor said dispassionately.

Betty blinked. There in her partner's hand was her glasses case.

"Where did you get that?" She asked, not taking the case.

Conor rolled his eyes. "Your room."

"Why did you take them?" She asked, still perplexed.

This time Conor rolled his eyes so hard Betty could have sworn they rolled into the back of his skull.

"Because unlike you I think ahead," he replied arrogantly.

Betty glowered at the boy as she snatched the case from his hands.

Soon they were off into the suburbs. They definitely made an odd pair. Two teens walking around the streets while school was still in session, one of which was a girl wear incredibly ill Fitting men's clothes, but they still looked far less conspicuous than if they had been wearing their super-suits.

As they walked Betty felt the familiar feeling of panic start to build up inside her again, but she did her best to let the warm rays of the sun, and gentle late summer breeze blow her worries away. After a few minutes of walking Betty knew it was time to start considering their options.

"So what now?" She asked bluntly.

Conor didn't even spare her a second glance as he pulled a pamphlet out of his pocket.


It didn't take long for Betty to recognize it.

"Hey isn't this the pamphlet..."

"That that crazy cult lady gave us? Yeah it is. And look what's written on the front."

Betty obliged and for the first time really studied the paper.

The Adventures of a Cosmic Girl: Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now