17. My Wife is a Boy!!

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Sorry for the late comeback, I've been busy studied for my Final Exam, please understand. Let's start!!

He finally agreed to marry me, after all the hard time, all the wars and sadness, we are together again._Jungkook thinks.

Why did I said yes to Kookie though? but...why not? I waited for him to say that to me for a long time, I should feel happy instead of worry like this._Namjoon speaks to himself.

And they decide to talk with each other in living room. Jungkook starts: Namjoon ah
huh? Any regret about marry me? I'm not sure... Feel happy? I guess so.

The room is full of silence, it's quite awkward.

It's...so... so what? I don't know what to say... So do I Kookie...

Jungkook crawls closer to Namjoon, hugging him. Namjoon suddenly gets shy, especially in this awkward situation.

When should we marry?-Jungkook asks nicely.
I don't know, it's up to you.
2...more months, how 'bout that?
Don't you think it's too early?
You just said it's up to me!
Okay, okay, 2 months

No more awkward, hurray!!! Let's skip time.

*2 months and before their wedding a day.*

NJ: I'm worry, it's coming tomorrow!!

JK: Honey, don't worry, it's not that scary.

NJ: These days you keep calling me "honey" and i don't like it.

JK: That's how a husband calls his wife!

NJ: Wife? Me?

JK: Yes, what do you think you are?

NJ: A husband too!!

JK: Nuh uh, you are a BOTTOM (this is so important that I have to in bold and underline :v)

NJ: No wives are man!!

JK: There is, it's you!


JK: Wanna spend the whole day and night talk with me?

NJ: Sounds good, I want to express myself to you more before I become your "wife"

And so they did spend that day and even the night talked to each other, they cried a lot, they couldn't believe it, tomorrow, the most important day of their lives!!

*The next day*

HS: You look so cuteeeeeee~~

JK: Stop flirting my wifeu!!

HS: Oops I'm sorry, should I say he looks ugly to make you happier?- He says jokingly.

NJ+JK: NO!!!

HS: Okay okay, calm down, don't be mad, be glad.

JK: Right.

NJ: Why do I have to wear this Kookie?

JK+HS: You in wedding dress is the best!!

NJ: You guys...

JK: It's just morning and I'm so worry already.

HS: I will help you guys, don't worry.

And that time is coming, they on the stage!! Namjoon looks super cute in the wedding dress (can you imagine that?) and Jungkook looks so gorgeous in his suit~~

*I'm not good at describing things especially in wedding, so I'm just gonna give a basic describe what they do*

They kiss each other, Jungkook could feel Namjoon's tears fall on his lips, it's salty but also sweet. It is because that are tears of happiness!! Afterwards, they cut the wedding cake together, drink the wine and...go home... *cuz i don't know what to write anymore...*

*Jungkook's home*

JK: Honey ah~~~

NJ: Nae?

JK: Nae what?

NJ: Nae...honey?

JK: Good~~

NJ: What are you calling for?

JK: Ready to climb up the bed?

NJ: I'm scared...

JK: I miss that place so much you know...

NJ: I'm going away....

JK: Honeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy......

I will give 3 more parts to make it to 20 chapters. 1 will be part of the story, the other 2 are bonuses!!

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