Chapter Eighteen: Surprises

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After school I found myself with Kyou outside the school's library, and I knew exactly who she wanted to talk to. Apparently Kyou had memorized all of the names I had given her on Saturday, and wanted to check Kotomi off of the list.

Again, I stopped her outside the door. "Listen: She's a very timid girl, so take it easy on her. She probably doesn't even feel anything like that for me since we're already childhood friends."

Kyou regarded me for a moment before sighing. "I understand, Tomoya. But I also understand girls pretty well, so...anyway, don't worry; I plan on treating all of your friends with 'kid gloves'...for now, at least," she finished with a smile.

I returned her smile. "Okay. Thanks."

She winked as she opened the door to the library.

"Tomoya-kun," Kotomi greeted from her cushion as we entered the library. "Ah! Kyou-chan! Welcome!"

'Kyou-chan'? I held back a snicker as Kyou glared at me before turning to Kotomi with a surprised look. "Wait, how do you know my name?"

She looked to me for permission, and I nodded. "Tomoya-kun talks about you quite a bit. He has told me that you are his girlfriend."

Kyou and I exchanged smiles; this was going to be easier than we thought. "That's right," Kyou answered her with a sigh of relief.

"I am Tomoya-kun's girlfriend, too."

I heard the THUNK as Kyou's jaw hit the floor; my chin hurt as well. "Wh-What?! N-No, I'm his girlfriend!!"

Kotomi nodded sagely. "I understood you the first time. Is it not wonderful having Tomoya-kun as a friend?"

Oh, so that was it. "Excuse us for a minute, Kotomi-chan," I said as a pulled Kyou to the side. "I think this is her usual confusion about social stuff," I whispered.

"So Kotomi's not your girlfriend?" Kyou replied in a half-whisper, half-growl.

I shook my head. "No, she's my girl-friend," I countered, emphasizing the space between the words.

Kyou's face showed that she was mulling this over. "All right, I think I get it."

"It's like I said before; she's a friend who's a girl."

"Tomoya-kun?" Kyou and I both looked over at Kotomi, who was approaching us with a worried expression. "Are you okay? You look upset."

I looked over to Kyou. "Let me explain it to her." Turning to Kotomi I said, "I'm okay, Kotomi-chan. Listen, did your parents date before they married?"

The genius girl tilted her head. "They did."

"Do you know if they called each other 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend' while they were dating?"

Kotomi's answer was immediate: "Yes, they did." She smiled. "Mommy told me about that quite a-" Her face paled. "Wait, please; you and Kyou-chan"

I nodded with a smile. "That's right." I looked over at Kyou. "Well, that makes things a lot-"


I quickly looked back to a trembling Kotomi. "What's wrong?"

Kotomi, still trembling, turned toward my girlfriend. "N-NO!! You can't! Please! You'll get married and take Tomoya-kun far away! P-Please don't!"

I had never seen a person beg before so I watched, astonished, as Kotomi collapsed to her knees at Kyou's feet, with her hands clasped in entreaty. "Please don't take him away from me! He's all I have left!"


Once again I found myself out in the hallway, cooling my heels as Kyou tried to calm down another hysterical girl.

And again, Kyou came out several minutes later with puffy, teary eyes. "It was like trying to comfort a child." She sighed deeply. "I don't know if she loves you romantically or not, but I know she does love you."

I felt lower than dirt. "I'm sorry, Kyou...I-I really didn't know."

Kyou looked up at me, still teary-eyed. "Tomoya...what if your other friends are like Yukine and Kotomi? And Tomoyo, for that matter?"

My stomach slithered to my shoes as I considered the possibility. Nagisa was friendly enough, sure, but thinking of me like that? "I just can't imagine it."

"I can," Kyou replied weakly. "But I can't...I can't do this anymore."

"Do what?"

She shook me half-heartedly. "Hurting them just so I can tell them you're mine."

I felt a tightness in my chest. "'re not breaking up with me...are you?"

I was relieved when she shook her head. "No! No..." She shook me again, this time in earnest. "Why, Tomoya?! Why me?! I've been a bitch to you for so long!" She threw her arms around me and held tightly. "I was terrible to you about Tomoyo! Why did you take me back? Anyone would be better for you than me!"

I shoved her away to grab her by the shoulders. "You STOP THAT! RIGHT NOW!" I glared into her terrified face. "I will date whoever I want to, and I want to date you! Stop trash-talking yourself, RIGHT NOW!" Damn, I had never been so mad before. "I love you, Fujibayashi Kyou, and that's all that matters to me! Yukine is a good friend; so is Kotomi. But you are my girlfriend; you got it?!"

She nodded; the terror was gone, replaced by an expression I had never seen before and didn't recognize. "Y-Yes, M-M-Master."

"Master?" What the...! "Did you just call me 'Master'?"

She bit her lip, her eyes still locked on mine.

I mentally kicked myself. "Look, if it's about the way I yelled at you, I'm sorry, really. I shouldn't have treated you like that."

"N-No, it's fine. I'm glad you, uh...feel so strongly about me." She swallowed hard as she backed away, that strange look still on her face. "I-I'm sorry, I have to go."

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Can I walk you home or something?"

"N-No," she stammered. For some reason, she was breathing rapidly. "That would not be a good idea."

"Are you sure?" I asked as I reached out to her.

"NO!" I flinched as she shouted. "I'm sorry...I have to go...I HAVE TO GO!!" she shouted again as she ran down the hall toward the exit.

I stood, dumbfounded, as she slammed out the door. "What was that all about?"

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