just friends

8 0 1

Milks POV*

*you walk home after hours with Bella , you hop in your bed and go to imessage*


you ; I know we just met but I um-

bella ; you what?

you ; I have a surprise tomorrow.

Bella ; okay :)


(At school)

you ; hey bella!

bella; hey !

you ; here.

bella ; thanks!

you ; open it!

bella ; omfg you wouldn't !

you ; it's yours!


you ; hush!

bella ; omfg I love you and we only met yesterday!

you ; you love

bella ; as a friend ofc!

*you feel as if a sharp sword stabbed through you heart*

you ; well duh! hahah!

bella ; let's get headed to class.

you ; sure.

Bella ; you seem sad again what's wrong.

you ; I'm not sad I promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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