First Meeting

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Once you stepped into the alley, you immediatley felt a creepy atmosphere surround you. 'Damn, why do alleys have to be so goddamn creepy!' You thought. Would it kill a guy to put in a light? ....well it might kill m- stop! (Y/n) you're being paranoid.

When you're halfway there, you hear footsteps behind you, you quickly turn around, half expecting a dead girl behind you, having an overactive imagination. ...but no one is there...

You turn around and continue walking, but stopped dead in your tracks...

"Heh, heh, hey, look who we found." A menacing blonde was right in front of you. He must've got there when you turned around. Damn! You thought, seriously is he like a ninja or something?

" heh yeah"

You spin around to find another guy behind you. He was a redhead.

"What should we do with her?"

The redhead asks the blonde. The blonde motions to the redhead to come over.

He walks up to the blonde and whispers in his ear. Oh god, what were they thinking?

You slowly back away, hands in the air, hoping they'll let you go.

"Hey guys i dont want any trou-"

You are interrupted by your back hitting a wall. You look around, 'no way!' You thought, 'they cornered me? Oh god.'

The two guys walk towards me, menacingly. As they are walking towards you, you have a huge panic attack. The red head raises his hand and punches you in the face....really hard.

You slide down to the ground in pain, hugging your legs and crying.

The blonde walks over, and starts to kick you in the stomach as you're lying there.

After a little while, the redhead walks over to you, and kicks you.

"Get up!" He growls. "I said get up!" He drags you up against the wall. Scraping your back, you cry in pain.

He raises his hand to slap you, but as he goes down to strike, he gets punched, by an... albino?

"H-hey!" The blonde guy shouts, obviously confused. He runs over and they all start fighting. While they're distracted, you try to run away, but trip on a brick. You are already dazed from the attack so you can't get up.

The last thing you see is the albino knocking out your attackers.

"Hey are you awake?"

You open your eyes to see the albino who saved you.

"W-who are you?"

You stutter.

He smiles at you. "My name is Gilbert."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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