Publication Announcement

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The Macaw has flown!

Great news! I'm pleased to announce that Mountains of the Macaw has finally been released and is now available on Amazon in both e-book and paperback formats. In every macaw's life, the time must come to leave the safety of the friendly forests of Wattpadia and brave the wild jungles of Amazonland.

I'll leave the first three chapters up as a free sample, with links to the book's page on Amazon.

You may notice that the cover has changed. As much as I loved the original cover, it had elements that wouldn't quite fit the parameters for the paperback format. Still, many thanks to Hannah Marie Kilpatrick for the fine cover that saw this story all through its runs on Wattpad and WriteOn.

And thank all of you so much for your support, encouragement, kind words and feedback on Mountains of the Macaw and on all my works posted here. I couldn't do it without you.

If you're on the WP website or on a mobile browser, follow the link at the bottom of this page.

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