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Episode 1- Arrival

The ‘green’ on John Hal campus is filled with students. Sororities are to the left near the cafeteria and fraternities are to the right near the dorms. Laughter, music, and the smell of barbeque preoccupied move in day.

Freshman scattered going in wrong directions, sighed in relief at the sight of friends and friendly upperclassmen. One freshman carried a green backpack and a manila folder full of documents she had just been given.

A hand touches her shoulder. She jumps slightly. Once seeing who touched her the girl is calm. Her friend Tessa is smiling at her. Grabbing the smaller girl’s had Tessa leads her away from the noise of the green.

“I thought you ditched me, Tess.” Tessa shook her head. The two were now heading towards their dorm room.

“Nope, how could I leave my cute Sev’ behind.” She cooed poking the girl’s plump cheeks. Tessa was delighted to see the glare directed at her.

“Is this okay? You’re an upperclassmen and I’m a freshman. The website said nothing about this.” Sevryn asked.  She looked up squinting as the bright lights of the hallways hit her brown eyes. Looking around she searched or their dorm room.

“Right here!” Tess called out. Sevryn followed.

The dorm room was pretty spacious. One of the bed’s was  facing the door while the other faced it. There was room for desks and in here and private bathrooms. It looked like a master bedroom of a house.

“Is this really okay?” Sevryn asked again. Tess nodded.

“You and I decided to room together, I’m a sophomore and my roommate left. You have good grades, no violations and according to me cluster phobia. Dean Kelly approved this.” Sevryn was still skeptical but decided to push this issue off till later. She giggled and belly flopped on the bare mattress.

Tessa watched as her younger friend happily chortled about their room. She could not help but feel guilt at the thought of what she had done a few months ago. But she had to keep him away from her.

Five months ago

“Why are you here?” Tessa asked. The tight dress she was wearing was uncomfortable and showing too much. Her hair was tousled, lips redder than blood. Her makeup was perfect. She was perfect, for this purpose alone. This is what she had to do to provide a better life for her family. It was all because of him.

“I’m not here to be a John. I’m here because I think you can help me.” Tessa wasn’t sure what he meant. A young man like him wouldn’t need to buy prostitutes unless he had a sick fetish. His green eyes were staring into her. His hair curly on top and near the bottom it was cut low. She had never seen him up close before. But the descriptions were spot on. He was as handsome as they come.

“With what?” She asked. He looked down and then around the room. A slightly smile was on his golden face. He sat down on the couch. His hands rubbed the arms feeling the nice leather. Tessa felt even more demeaned than she already was. His eyes locked onto hers. She felt something strange then. There was like a change in the air. She felt like she wanted to run away.

“You and the  girls are going to entertain a few men for me. You will be paid double what you get.” Tess stared at him .

“Triple.” She said in rebuttal.

“No, double.”

“Strangers are dangerous. Your guys could be reporters. The girls feel more comfortable with the usual patrons” He laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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