Chapter 12

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Grayson's Pov:

I turned around and saw Brianna pulling Bel into a crowd of people. Wait...Bri and Bel are here? I tapped Ethan on the shoulder.

"Ethan I need to talk to you."

"What is it?" Ethan said pulling away from Ryan and our group of friends.

"Bel and Bri are here..." I said.

"WHAT?" Ethan sounded shocked, "Where?!"

"In that crowd of people over there." I said pointing to where they went.

"Come on then, let's go find them." Ethan said dragging me into the crowd. I spotted them in the middle of the floor dancing. It looked like they were having a lot of fun... Ethan must have saw the girls too because he started walking towards them. I followed him.

"Hey," I said when I reached Bel, "We need to talk."

"Actually, I dont think there's much to talk about." Bel said turning back around to face Bri.

"Just talk to him.." Bri said.

"What?!" Bel exclaimed, "I thought you were on my side!"

"Just see what he has to say." Bri said. Bel turned back to face me. I saw Ethan and Bri walk away.

"Fine," Bel said crossing her arms.

"Let's go find privacy," I said walking towards the stairs. We walked up the stairs and searched the halls for an empty bedroom.

"In here," I said finally finding one. We went inside and I shut the door behind us. We both sat down on the bed. It was only silence between us for a good 3 minutes. I didnt know where to start. Then we looked into each other's eyes and stared. Neither of us spoke. I grabbed her face and pulled her in for a kiss, I couldn't help myself. Surprisingly she kissed back. It felt good to have her lips on mine again. Bel soon pulled apart.

"I still want an explanation," she said.

"Jess has been clinging on to me ever since we broke up, which was a year ago. I dont even know why she said we're getting back together," I sighed and continued on, "I dont know where that came from. But I fell in love with you, not Jess. I already called her and told her there was no chance of us getting back together. I miss you Bel." When I finished, we sat in silence.

"I've missed you too," Bel said finally said quietly, "And Im sorry for running out yesterday before you could explain." I looked straight into her eyes and tilted up her chin.

"Dont worry about it," I said smiling while leaning in for another kiss. We soon pulled away and got up to leave the room. As we were walking down the hall I heard a bunch of moaning coming from one room. Bel must've heard it too because she stopped and stared at me.

"Lets see who's in there," I said smirking. She smirked back at me. We crept to the door and slowly cracked it open. When I saw who was in there I started to laugh. Ryan was on the bed hardcore making out with Jess. Bel started to crack up too.

"She moves on fast," Bel said laughing. Jess and Ryan must have heard us because they pulled away from each other and looked at us.

"Hey get out!" Ryan screamed. Jess's face turned red, I could tell she was embarssed. I shut the door still laughing.

"Come on, let's find Ethan and Bri," I said to Bel, grabbing her hand.

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