Together is fun

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Ranjith and Revathi are brother and sister of 10 years and 8 years of age respectively. They lived in Mysore, India, with their parents. Both were very good at studies and other extra-curricular activities. But the problem they had was, they were very competitive with each other. Be it studies or playing games or even eating and drinking, they used to compare each other and wanted to be the best. Though initially their parents didn't bother much about this behavior, eventually mother started to worry as it was going out of proportion.

One day, it was evening and both kids were back home from school. They started an argument saying "I'm the best". Mother gave them milk and competition started instantly with who would finish the milk first. Before mother could say anything they started drinking milk very fast and Revathi tried drinking the whole glass at once and ended up spilling the entire glass of milk. Ranjith saw this and made fun of her and Revathi cried inconsolably for losing to Ranjith. Mother was terribly worried seeing her kids' behavior.

Father came home late evening and every one had dinner. Mother quickly put her both kids to sleep and came to speak to her husband. Looking at the worried face of his wife, husband asked, "What happened? Why do you look so worried? How come kids are asleep so soon"? Mother answered, "Yes! I put them to sleep early. Day by day, the competitive nature between our kids is increasing. They compete in eating food and drinking milk also. If one of them loses, the other takes it as a big defeat. We need to do something about it". Husband thought for a while and said, "I have an idea".

Next day morning, father called both the kids and said, "Kids, we are going to trek Chamundi hills this Saturday. We should be ready in the morning by 5 AM. Are you guys up for this adventure"? Kids were very excited about the plan father has made for them and happily agreed for the same.

The day kids were eagerly looking for came. It was a cool Saturday morning. Both the kids were ready at sharp 5 AM. They saw parents were also ready with some luggage. Ranjith asked curiously, "what is this luggage for Dad?" Father replied, "We are going to stay tonight in Chamundi hills itself and are coming back tomorrow morning. You have some exciting activities to do over there". Kids nodded and got into the car. Father parked car in the parking lot and all four of them started to trek the hill.

There were about 1000 steps to reach the top of the hill and kids enjoyed climbing the hill every bit. Within an hour they reached top of the hill. Mother served breakfast to everybody and they all relaxed for some time under a tree. Their tiredness vanished with some breakfast, water and cool breeze. Everyone went to the lodge which Dad had booked for a day and kept their luggage. Seeing the kids getting energized, father called them to tell about the entire day's plan.

Kids were very eager to listen to what their parents have to offer them. Father said, "Revathi, your task is to find a nice place near the lodge and setup a tent. We are going to have campfire and other activities for the evening" and handed over a bag to her. Mother said, "Ranjith, your task is to make lunch for all of us in the lodge. You can later take it and keep it in the tent so that we can have lunch in the tent". Both the kids were shocked and took some time to comprehend what was told to them. Ranjith replied, "Mom, I have never been to kitchen all this while. Making lunch for 4 with absolutely no idea is impossible". Quickly, even Revathi replied, "Same with me Dad. I've never done camping before. I've no idea how to setup a tent". Ranjith said, "Can we swap our tasks? I've done camping with friends before. So I can complete the task of setting up tent with ease. Mom, Revathi has always been with you to help you in kitchen, so even she can complete the cooking task with ease".

Father smilingly said, "You both were competing to be best right? A known task can be completed by anyone. But the best does things that are unknown and unexpected. You both cannot swap tasks and you shall not use mobile or any other helping aid to complete this task". Mother said, "Dad and myself will go to the temple and be back in about an hour. We expect you both to complete these tasks by the time we arrive". Parents left the kids alone and went outside.

Revathi took her bag and came out of the lodge in search of a good place for the tent. Ranjith too unpacked his bag and saw the things with which he had to make lunch. Ranjith didn't know from where to start. He was completely stuck and confused. He saw his watch and already 15 minutes had passed. He thought for himself, "let me check how Revathi is doing and maybe I can take her help".

Ranjith came down and saw that Revathi's situation was no better. He came to speak to her. Revathi immediately replied, "If you have come to tease me, I'm in no mood. Just go away". Ranjith said, "No dear sister. I'm stuck too just the way you are. And I see time is passing away. So, I came to help you with the tent. Maybe you can help me with cooking later". Revathi said, "But Dad asked us to do the task ourselves". Ranjith said, "You will make the tent yourself. I will only instruct you how to do it. With this arrangement, we won't break the rules set by Dad and Mom". Revathi thought of it as a nice idea and without wasting any time both of them got to work.

Within 15 minutes both of them chose a nice place for camping and set up the tent. They came to the lodge quickly and Ranjith showed the cooking items Mom had got. Seeing two small rice cookers, Revathi understood what was in her mother's mind and she instructed Ranjith step by step while Ranjith cooked nice lunch. Within half an hour, Cucumber-Tomato Salad, Dal fry and Rice was ready. They transferred all the items to the tent and were waiting for their parents.

Parents came and saw the work done by their kids. They were extremely happy. Father said, "Well done kids! The job has been completed nicely. I can say proudly that both of you are best in your attempt to do the assigned job". Ranjith replied, "Dad, I couldn't have completed the job without Revathi's help. She instructed me and then I was able to cook". "Even I could setup the tent with Ranjith's help only. Credit goes to him as well in this job", Revathi added. Mother asked, "What did you learn from your experience today"? Kids said cooking and setting up tent for camping. Mom added, "The job gets done well when people work together with mutual understanding and trust. If you both had done the work alone, it would have been good, but not the best. Now, both of you worked together putting best of your thoughts and ideas". Ranjith said, "Absolutely Mom. We totally agree with you. We shall always work together rather than focusing on individual success from now on".

Parents said "We didn't go to temple. We were here only observing how you guys perform. We shall all go together to temple tomorrow because, "TOGETHER IS FUN", everyone shouted happily.

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