part 1

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The Death Of People Who Love

It was the year 1698 in Austria and the Morean war  had just ended earlier that year,so of course everyone was celebrating there were many balls and people dancing,drinking champagne just having a good time. There was one castle that had no sounds of music or the sound of laughter coming from it. This castle belonged to the Karnstein, and in this family there was the father Pierre Karnstein and his wife Elizabeth Karnstein and with them is their countess Mircalla Karnstein she was an only child and had just turned eighteen.
The countess goes to her parents and asks “Mother,Father is there any way that i could please go out and celebrate.” “No you are much too young to be going out on your own especially this late into the night.” says her father. “But everyone my age is out celebrating tonight while I'm stuck inside of this boring castle.” said Mircalla “No but’s about it you are going to stay inside and do as you are told young lady.” her Father commanded. Mircalla then marched off angrily into her room slamming her door shut and laid  on her bed extremely upset. About an hour later she decides to do something that she knows will get her into a lot of trouble if she got caught. She puts on a gown and sneaks out her bedroom window. After she snuck out she met up with her best friend Ell and they decided to go to this ball that was nearby. When they arrived there they drank champagne and danced like fools. After they got done dancing and laughing they decided to take a break and got off the dance floor. As they were talking Mircalla was skimming the crowd and caught her eye on what she thought was the most beautiful person she had ever seen. She leans towards Ell and asks “who is that?” as she points to a small group of people across the room. “That is William he is the count of the castle” Ell says. Mircalla shakes her head in disagreement “no not him the girl that is beside him” and she points to a girl in a black gown with honey coloured hair. “Oh that is Laura,William's little sister she had just turned seventeen about a month ago” but as Ell is telling Mircalla about Laura she ignores her and starts to walk over to Laura. She taps Laura on the shoulder and she turns around to face Mircalla and she is in awww by the person who has just appeared in front of her. “You must be the most beautiful thing at this party”Mircalla says which makes Laura blush she then takes Laura’s hand in hers and kisses it gently. “Im Mircalla Karnstein and you must be Laura Hollis”slow music begins to play “may I have this dance Miss Hollis”Mircalla holds out her hand to Laura “ why of course Miss Karnstein I’d love to dance with you.” As Mircalla is leading Laura to the dance floor she says to Mircalla “To be honest I really don’t know how to waltz.” “Don't worry it's easy and it can also be kind of scandalous.” “how can waltzing be scandalous” Laura says with a laugh following it. “Well partners are face to face, chest to chest, all of that umm whirling most people believe it may as well be sex.” They waltzed into the night and a few hours later they decide to go outside to find a quieter spot. They come across this barn that looks like it hasn’t been used in years,so they decide to go inside and when inside the barn they find some piles of hay that they can sit on.
While they are sitting on the hay they start to “talk” as they are “talking” they hear a noise from outside the barn next thing they know the barn door opens and there is the silhouette of a old man with a gun standing in the doorway. He steps inside and sees what the two girls had been doing. He looks at them and says “you know what you are doing is a sin and the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.” The old man aims his gun at Laura and says “you deserve to be punished for the sins that you have committed”he fires his gun at Laura but at last minute Mircalla jumps in front of Laura saving her life. The old man quickly leaves to go tell others about the wrongdoings of these two girls.  “ No”Laura screams and runs over to Mircalla who is now laying on the ground “Mircalla why did you do that? Why did you jump in front of me?” “ Because, because I love you Laura” she says with her final breaths. Laura lays over Mircalla’s lifeless body and gives her one last kiss “I love you too.”
In the distance Laura can hear the sounds of an angry mob coming her way so she gets up to run and hide. She exits the barn and finds this garden that is nearby as she hears the mob getting closer. She runs into the garden and hides behind a rose bush trying to stay as quiet as possible while the angry mob passes by. Once she thought it was safe to come out she starts to walk out of the garden, but what she did not know was that there was someone from the angry mob walking back because he thought he saw something and she runs into this man holding a gun. “What are you doing out here all alone?” Laura still crying answers him “ I just needed to get some fresh air that’s all.” “Ok, but you should get inside it’s not safe out here in the dark for a young lady” the man says. The man starts to walk away when he remembers the description of the girl that they are looking for. He immediately turns around and points his gun at Laura and he commands her to stop and to face him. “I know who you are, and what you are. You should be ashamed of yourself, it’s people like you who are scums of the earth and a menace to society.” He then fires off his gun at Laura and shoots her in the stomach making her fall to the ground. He looks at her one last time then runs to go find the others to tell them that he found the girl they were searching for and he has killed her.

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