Valentina P.O.V
What the hell is wrong with her? Vincent pushed pass me and bolted his way up the stairs. I looked at Clair and Dinah that looked very flustered before making my way behind Vincent. When I reached to the bathroom I saw Millie, she was dead. Her body looked pale and her eyes were left opened like someone pushed her down making sure she was dead.
Valentina: "What the fuck?!"
Vincent called the police. Minutes later we were all escorted out the house.
Kate: "What the hell?"
Valentina: "Who the fuck would want to kill her in my bathroom?"
Kate: "No offense but I thought it was you."
Valentina: Whispers "If I killed her, I would have buried her a long time ago."
I walked away from her and headed to my front door
Police: "Mam you can't go in there."
Valentina: "It's my house!"
Police: "I'm sorry mam but you'll have to find somewhere else to sleep tonight."
Valentina: "Great! just great." scoffs
I threw my hands up in annoyance and pushed my way pass them.
Detective: "We need you at the station for questioning."
Valentina: "Why?"
Detective: "We need you down at the station mam."
He walked away from me. I took a deep breath and then made my way upstairs for some of my stuff.
Clair P.O.V
Clair: "Great! Now we're suspects for Millie murder."
Dinah: "Who would want her dead?"
James: shrugs shoulders "I didn't know she had enemies."
Dinah: "Everyone has enemies"
Clair: "Lets just go home okay?"
Dinah: "An early flight to New York Tomorrow."
I slapped my hands on my face
Clair: "Totally forgot!."
Dinah: raises an eyebrow "You forgot about your own event?"
I nodded and she slapped me behind the head.
Clair: "Ow!! that hurt."
Dinah: "You need to keep your head on"
Clair: "Its on!"
I shouted, still rubbing the back of my head
Dinah: "Come lets just go."
As I was about to walk away I saw Sinn coming towards me. I stopped and smiled at him
Sinn: "Are you okay?"
Clair: "I don't know, I mean whispers Millie? Who would want her dead?"
Sinn: "I don't know."
Clair: "It's horrible!"
He give me a tight hug
Sinn: "I know, I'll check on you later okay?"
Romance5 years later, Clair and Dinah find themselves back in Manhattan fighting for their father's company along with the Lupo's help when old flames rekindle, secrets unfold and new relationship get ruin on their journey.