Sudden attack

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Tyron:Mum,How did you and father meet?
Falynn:Well it is a long story to tell
Norla:your mum fell for your father first
Falynn:I didn'ttttttt
Tavin: Didn't what?(Tavin entered with apple in his hand and Jakin behind)
Jakin:What were you talking about ?
Norla:About the romantic story of Tavin and Falynn
Falynn:We weren't
Jakin:You know Tyron ,Even Norla loved me first ,so you know that you got a handsome father and uncle
Norla:I DIDN'T YOU OLD MAN(Jakin was thrown with the pillow straight at his face)
Tavin:You gonna suffer alot Tyron,Sadly we didn't see the sweet girl type
Falynn:WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HUMAN BEING (getting thrown with a pillow and falling next to his friend)
Tyron:I believe it was really hard story
Tyron whispering to the two guys:I pity you
Just in time Tyron moved away before getting hit with pillow
Tyron:YOU just have to choose the right time to defend yourself before the attack
Then a sudden attack came on Tyron ,and he was on the ground with the others
Tavin:That's what we failed in,and avoiding sudden attack

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