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hey guys its me Nikki I guess I got the idea to write a new book,  Its about this girl who gets heart broken befor she has to leave for the us. she has buisness there but instead the buisness turns into a  secret house cleaning job, she doesnt like one direction but she doesnt know who's house it is that she is cleaning and it turns out to be Harry styles ........ :)

 About Her: she has brown hair that goes past her shoulders, she is 5'8 has model legs she is very shy but has the biggest heart. she loves everything and evryone BUT  spiders and clowns. thats all you really need to know right now i guess. any questions message me or comment below :) I tryed really hard to make this story differnt but....there are so many storys and ima try really really really hard! :D and if i fail im so sorry.

sorry again guys iv been sick for a couple of days i tryed super hard to type as much as i could befor feeling sick again :) I love you my carrots :) i hope you like that name :) wht do you think of it?



Nicoles POV

I walked down the street to work. I didnt feel like driving plus its right down the street. Even though its really hot outside,  I was wearing a green romper suit. With my black cow girl boots. And under it i was wearing my work uniform a white dress that goes right above my knee's and a jean jacket. I walked through the door and turned on the lights. SURPRISE!!!! Everybody yelled. Happy birthday Nicole! my roommate Chloe said walkeding up to me. But my birthday isnt for another three months i said looking confused. I know but your gonna be gone for the Next 9 months for buisness in the US. Dont remind me i said looking down at my feet. Nicole look at me. She said lifting my head trying to make me look in her eye's. Then i forgot i was in my Romper suit still. I ran to the bathroom and pulled it off. stuck it in my locker and looked at my self in the mirror on the wall.

I had my long brown hair that went a little past my shoulders. I straighted it today for the first time in over three months. I fixed my dress and then walked out of the bathroom. I wanted to have a good time since i was leaving tomorrow night. I  pulled out my iphone and texted my sister. I put my phone in my belt that made my dress look really cute. I looked up and i seen him. I cant believe Josh was here

*(FLASHBACK) 3 months ago..........

Josh please dont leave me out here alone. Nicole get out  from the front of the damn car! We are over! I like somebody else! He said looking at the wheel. I started to get tears in my eyes. Please dont dont leave me here. I said almost whispering.  Nicole .....Get in the damn car.

I looked up and walked to the door  i was about to open it when Josh took off.... I sat down crying as hard as i could... My phone was dead i had no idea where i was and scared to death. I sat on the side of the road be for about 8 hours.

Thankfully a cop came by and seen i was on the side of the asleep and shaking like crazy. I was taken to the police station and had me explain what happened. They figured out why I was shaking but they wouldnt tell me why.

They took me to the emergancy room it turns that I was laying in oil (just my luck)  when i feel asleep they got it out of my body and said i could go home.  Chloe came and picked me up when she seen me she ran and hugged me and we went to the store and got lots of ice cream. I went home and cryed for the rest of that nite. then i decided I was over him and he wasnt worth it.


I felt a tear run down my face I wiped it away. Josh started to walk to me, I walked fast to him and put a fake smile on my face,  Hey Nicole Happy birthday! He said. Hey thanks! I said with my fake high voice. 

 I put my arms out like i was gonna hug him right when he was about to hug me. I slapped him as hard as I could. *OUCH* he yelped out in pain. YOU JERK YOU LEFT ME ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD YOU JACk BUTT!!!! I said through tears. I know im really sorry babe He said in his french accent. Don't, Don't call me babe. I said gretting my teeth and trying to hold back tears. 

Chloe Shoved him out side and turned around to face me. She  smiled at me and said Alright who let the Jumblie in!!! I started to laugh and ended up snorting and everybody looked at me and burst out laughing. My face turned bright red . I got over it really fast and we went and cut the cake and I opened my presents afterwards.

Chloe got me 5 new thongs. (Insiders joke) One of them said 1D lover on the front part what ever that means. What the heck what does 1D mean i asked in my english british accent. Hun,  you'll find out sooner or later she said winking at me. The other 4 were just my favorite colors. I just got gift cards and money from everbody else.

 Chloe was already drunk by 8:30.  The party ened at 1:00.  I went to the bathroom put back on my romper suit. I walked out trying to find Chloe i bumped into somebody *ouch sorry i said getting ready to stand up when a hand reach out to me and offered to help me up. It's fine. He guy I just bumped into  said in a really deep voice. He had really brown curly hair that went everywear, and had the most beautiful blue greenish eyes.  It was really hot I said sorry again befor i seen Chloe on the table dancing like a slut. I got to go I said running to Chloe and pulling her off the table.  I grabbed her car Keys out of her bag and said bye and thanks to everyone.

I pulled Chloe to the car and started it up and i turned on the radio. I Want You Back by Cher Loyd came on. I started to sing. I looked over and Chloe who was sound asleep. I let out a sigh. Minutes later we where back at our flat.

I went over to the side Chloe was on and picked her up. She was really light. I sat her on the chair next to the door and tryed to find the keys to the door I stuck one in and it didnt work i tryed another it still didnt work i tryed the silver key with the letter "H" on it it worked. Of course it was the one with the big "H" on it. I thought to myself. I picked Chloe back up and took her up the stair to her room.

I walked across the hall to my room and jumped in the shower I washed my hair and sang The A Team by Ed Sheeran, I got out and dryed myself off I put on my undergarments and my bra and looked in the mirror, Same old. I said to myself while putting my shirt and shorts on. I brushed my teeth and hair and walked out of the bathroom and walked to my radio and turned it on. I jumped in bed and fell asleep in what felt like minutes.

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