"Sunny Flowers And Rainbows"

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I woke up just 3 minuets before my alarm went off for school, then when it went off with just me sitting in my bed looking at the ceiling feeling no emotion, my dad, Brian, walked in to tell me to get up but i ignored saying nothing just rolling my eyes and getting up slowly. I went to the bathroom, brushed my long, straight, ginger hair, and brushed my teeth. I hopped right on my phone to check my social medias and my best friend, Kylie, just texted me saying,"OMG!!! Sarah is coming back to Highland Academy!" She sounded like she was warning me but i didn't care letting myself think that Sarah was afraid of me now after last Summer's pasta incident. I texted back with a simple 'ugh.' All of the teachers at school still don't know what I did to Sarah, making her cry and filling her with anger but they never really asked. My dad started driving me to school on July 18th, 2015 (last year) due to my mother's death, she was a kind, loving, smart, beautiful, 36 year old women and I still miss her and give her all my love. When i got into the car my dad asked me,"How you holding up, dear?" I was gonna say nothing but i did say,"Fine dad, um...what about you?" He didn't say anything, so that's when I started to get afraid for the 20th time (Yes i counted) that he was gonna stop the car and beat me for no reason like he always does. I'm used to it but I still feel the painful depression of his hits and his insincere anger running out on me. I don't let my depression get in tangled with his, I always thought it was about mom dying or the loan sharks that's taking all his money and leaving us to struggle with food and bills. "Just four more blocks away from your school, honey. I know you are still sad about your mother but you don't have to be because she didn't do anything anyway." my dad said, "WHAT THE HELL, dad, mom is dead and you had the guts to say that about her! If you loved her and started talking to her more and having deep conversations with her you wouldn't be saying that right now! She worked FOUR JOBS, FOUR! And you say that! No wonder your a drunk!" I yelled as the rushing of my heart breaking tears came down my face and now there was going to be more. My father stopped the car and turned to me, I thought he was going to just give me a slight talking to, but I knew i was just setting myself up for failure, instead he garbed me by my shoulders and shook me for 45 seconds, then repeatedly slapped and punched me (slapped in face constantly and punched in stomach constantly)

After that he took me to my school. As soon as I got there, I ran to the bathroom and puked constantly due to all of the punches that headed for my stomach. I walked slowly to the office and they saw the black eye that I had and decided to ask what happened, I lied and said,"I fell and I know i always say that when you see me like this, but just so you know i'm very clumsy." I say the same thing every time, but this time they didn't believe me,"Are you sure! You always have a black eye, ripped up shirt, or bloody nose. Whats really going on?" Mrs. Fently asked but I had no answer I just sighed and left out. No one knows about my dad, but my bestie, Kylie,"OMG! He hit you again, girl you have to go to the police about this guy." She said,"No, I don't, I just feel like i should just keep my feeling inside like I do now, plain and simple." I said nervously letting my dad get the best of me but i was still happy that i was still alive,"Okay, I see where your're coming from, also i'm not saying that you don't have to keep your feelings hidden, but life is not that simple." Kylie said as we were walking into our 10th grade math class. Then over the PA, Mrs. Fently said,"All 10th Graders please come down to the school auditorium, All 10th graders Please come down the the school auditorium, Thank You." The class and the rest of the 10th graders walked in the hall,"Do you know what this is about, Sydney?" Kylie asked but I simply ignored with just a "mmm"

We arrived at the auditorium to hear the announcement which I was very curious about, I sat down and thought about what it could be,"Hello, I know you all are probably wondering what this is all about, but some of you guys probably know Sarah Hindman, she might have been mean to you or kind, you might have been her friend or so, but to most of you, she was a bully and i don't wanna say who or call out names but she will be attending Highland Academy again. If you don't like that she is coming back, keep your emotions to your self and do not sigh hardly, Thank You, you may return to your day." Said Mrs. Fently, as she said that I felt more and more scared but mostly nervously to see if Sarah was scared, mad, wanted to be friends or anything else. I stopped in the bathroom to puke a bit more because I still had a bit more pain and then all of sudden I heard footsteps walk into the bathroom, so i closed and locked the bathroom stall door. It was a girl talking and telling herself that she can accomplish anything within the power that she has, by the voice, I noticed that it was Sarah. I had to be very quiet, I didn't want her to hear me in anyway so I wouldn't want to go through the "does she want to be friends, is she scared, is she mad and coming for me" I don't know, she is very complicated.

I went home to come and get a text on my phone,"hey." it was from Sarah, I was shocked that she even wanted to talk and the fact that she texted me first. I didn't know what to say so I invited over Kylie,"Say hey, Sarah,Hows it going." She insisted, But i just decided to say hey back. We had a little chat about nothing, really, I still am not sure if she hates or whatever but I was feeling the mini chat like we were beginning to be slight friends but I still wasn't much sure. Kylie decided to stay over the night, good thing that my dad doesn't abuse me when a friend is over which gives me a break from all the pressure and pain that he puts on me and some times he puts his all of his weight on me, which really hurts like every time he abuses me. That night I went to sleep a bit later, talking 1:30 a.m. The next day, Kylie and I woke up at 10:00, ate breakfast and looked at the everyday news reports on our phones. When we read the report, we came to find that Mrs. Fently was murdered and Principal Vinro, they don't know who did it but they are still trying to find clues that could lead the murder. Kylie and I cried briefly but not much, we were shocked to read that our principal and school secretary had been murdered. Kylie and I talked about how school would be slightly different without our principal and secretary, but I'm sure we'll get new ones that are just as nice,"What do you think school is going to be like on Monday?" Kylie asked, I said softly,"I don't know, but i'm sure we are gonna get new ones. There's nothing to worry about, just what their personality's are gonna be like is what i'm afraid of, I really hope they aren't mean like the librarian."

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