Final Fantasy Yandere.

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Cloud is a soft yandere, one that can best be described as a protective type. This world is hard and cold and no one can deny that Cloud has suffered his share of it. He's loved, he's lost, and this point, he's tired of the whole damn thing. But then he meets you and suddenly...suddenly he's feeling something again.

A long forgotten feeling that slowly takes him over...until he can only think of you.

He's not the kind of yandere that hurts you (though he will hurt others) or takes you (unless something happens to make him think that he has to). He does stalk you, though and, if he doesn't like someone in your life, he's bound to convince himself that they're no good and scare them off. In the end, he just...wants you. And is that really so bad?


He's scared to get close to you at first, in fear of something happening, but at the same time, he can't resist you. For a long time, Cloud will only watch you from afar and sneak little moments with you. He'll watch over you, dreaming of the day you'll smile at him and love him and one day...his dreams will come true.

He'll win you over. He'll make you his. He'll find a way to do it. And once Cloud has your heart, he won't ever let it go.

"I love you."

Little Details:

He won't ever force you into anything, especially sex. If you're not ready or not in the mood, well then, that's that. But if you want him...oh, is you want him! Cloud is a mix of rough and gentle. Depending on his mood, he'll either take his time and make it sweet and slow...or he'll pound you so hard you'll be screaming his name all night.

Punishments aren't such a thing with Cloud. The worst he'll ever do is isolate you, lock you up and keep you there for a while. Not to hurt you! To keep you safe! That's all he's trying to do at all and he just needs you to see that.

All Cloud wants is to be happy. And he's certain that you're the key to everything he's ever wanted. So he's not going to let you go...ever.

Vincent doesn't realize he's a yandere. In fact, he doesn't even realize that he's obsessed with you until it's far too late. He's always been a loner and he thought that he always would be. But after finding you, something inside of him shifts.

Something dark. Something lonely and hungry.

The truth of the matter is, Vincent is love and touch starved. And, though his loner tendencies have always been in control, something new is going to be born Vincent is a very similar yandere to Cloud, only he is much more desperate. He's more willing to take his stalking and "protection" of you to another level and, unlike his friend, he will kidnap you.

"I won't ever hurt you, Y/N."

But he'll do so with a lot of shame, wondering why he's like this and struggling deeply with his yandere tendencies. But his struggles and shame won't stop him in the end. No one and nothing can stop Vincent from taking you. No force on earth can keep fate from bringing you together. And once Vincent has you in his grasp, he won't ever let you go.

"I love you too much to do that."

Little Details:

He won't ever force himself on you. He will touch you but that's not so much of a sexual thing. Rather, it's the closeness of it. Caressing your skin, kissing your neck, playing with your hair...Vincent loves the way you taste and feel and smell, he thinks you're...perfect. But he won't make you do anything you don't want to do though. But if you do want him...Vincent will give you anything that you want, just ask him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2019 ⏰

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