The Way to a Man's Heart is Through His Stomach

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Gavin gazed wearily over his sheets to the television, not truly watching what was happening on screen as rain pattered against the window of his dark room. It had been 3 days since he has been admitted from the hospital. With surgery done and a whole leg cast, he couldn't even imagine putting any weight on it, move to another room without hobbling on his crutches, hell he couldn't even shift in his own damn bed without a small curse of pain. The scarred male felt pitiful, and he hated it. There was no way in hell he could be seen like this, no damn way.

The buzzer rang from his front door, followed by 3 equal knocks and a familiar lifeless voice,

"Detective Reed?"

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"Detective Reed?" the taller android called at the entrance of the hospital room door holding a vase of fake flowers and a hollow 'Get Better Soon' card, written from the station. Green eyes gazed over to the dark brunet now stepping closer to his bedside, mouth turning into a frown before spitting out a staggered, "What are you doing here?" his head not lifting off his pillow. His body was contorted with his injured leg hoisted in the air and his other bent slightly by another cushion. If the entering man felt anything, it didn't show on his face as he placed the bouquet and card on the table next to his partner.

"I was told to bring this to you, it was signed by the other officers." Conan directed his glance to the presents with a refined and polite smile before continuing, "I was also told to take care of you while you still need help, as it is cheaper than paying for workman's compensation for a nurse. Detective Collins said he would be taking up your work."

"You're what?"

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Finally at the door, Gavin cracked it open slightly. The android on the other side was holding a small bag of groceries, and a polite smile. Giving the man in front of him a tired glare, Gavin wordlessly let him into his complete dumpster fire of an apartment. Mysterious stains and chipping paint were scattered on the yellowed walls, old movie posters hiding excessive holes and even the carpet was an ugly green. Excusing himself for intruding, the brunet passed by him, eyeing the littered about trash on the floor.

"What the hell is all that for?"

"Breakfast." the machine answered simply, finding a clean place on the crowded counters of the galley kitchen. Peeking over the taller man's shoulder, he could see dexterous hands begin to take out some ingredients: sausages, peppers, eggs and some other spices Gavin didn't know. Conan gave a hesitant look towards the rest of the more cluttered counters before facing male in crutches.

"Would you like anything in particular? I was thinking of making eggs and sausages, if that's okay with you." The detective just nodded curtly before moving to the couch, about to sit down before the loyal android quickly moved to assist him. Gavin wanted to say he was fine, he truly did, but as his partner led him toward the seat and helped him raise his cast, he held his tongue, bitterly grateful.

After half an hour, the man stuck on the couch could smell the sausage in the air as his stomach growled with hunger, green eyes flicking over to see the other serving the food onto a freshly washed plate. He hadn't had a home cooked meal in what felt like years, but the sight as Conan made his way over to him with breakfast went straight to some dark crevice of a heart. The idea of people losing their jobs from androids Conan rushed into his mind, but he admitted they did that job pretty damn well. Taking the plate, he immediately began to eat, bringing his fork to his mouth, Gavin's gruff and lifeless face transformed into a sleepy smile. The sausage meat tasting especially delicious, the flavors melting into his palate. Digging into the eggs with ambition, he had finished in minutes. The android, watching from the kitchen smiled contentedly, his blue eyes seeming surprisingly warm when he met them.

"Thank you for the food and stuff, it's, uh" the detective said through stuffed cheeks, "really good, thanks." The muscular man before him smiled, in a way Gavin didn't recognize at first, but he knew it seeped through him like warm honey as he returned it.

"I'm glad you like it. I can cook for you again if you want." Conan offered, his voice smooth as silk as he bent down to take the now empty plate from the ruff man who nodded furiously at the idea. Moving over to the kitchen the machine began to clean the appliances he used, and the counters of the kitchen, and then the kitchen, and then the entire apartment. The male on the couch watched in awe as Conan dug out the vacuum he hadn't seen in months from the closet, he was sure it was broken but under a minute the loud vrrring noise began once again. As he saw the other explore around the jungles of his simple home Gavin took notice as the once filthy apartment turned into a somewhat habitable one within just 2 hours. Suddenly, Conan paused in his work, standing still eyes glazed until he acknowledged the injured man once more.

"I've been called in to the station. I'll be back for dinner." he stated, giving him a glass of water before finally shutting the door. Loneliness hit him like a truck once he heard the footsteps dissipate outside, Gavin hoped he'd be back soon.

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It had been a month and a half.

Three equal knocks on the door, shifting of feet to let another man in, it had all become clockwork by now. Consequently, Gavin had become faster to come and open the door, to beam at the android on the other side, and grow reflexively hungry when his eyes fall on a brown paper bag. No one else from the station had come to visit him this entire time, yet he didn't care about that now. Conversely, he felt contempt, knowing he would come back to happy faces at the station next week, maybe a desk with a balloon and a "welcome back" card. It's not like they cared. Funnily enough, the machine who had already begun cooking Gavin breakfast had shown more love for him in the past weeks than anyone had in the last 5 years of his life. He chuckled bitterly at the thought, stealing a glance at the person in question, only to get back a warm smile. Letting out a breath he hadn't realized he had held, the brunet slowly stepped over to the machine who was making pancakes, sniffing the air with a warm smile. Snaking his arms around the taller man to watch as he mechanically flipped over the perfect golden circle.

"Thank you, Conan." he rumbled, voice low and full of appreciation and hugged Conan in his arms.

"I love you."

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Thank you for reading.

I decided to write two separate viewpoints based on the same events, one being fluffy and sweet why the other, let's just say there will be a few warnings for it. This is the fluffy Hurt/Comfort version!

Fluff/Yandere Reed900 || The Way to a Man's Heart is Through his StomachWhere stories live. Discover now