After The Dramatic Chapter

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Four weeks after karma, Kirika dramatic chaper of intruption. Kirika goes to look at the test she took for the 65th time, today. Kirika walks slowly hope that this isn't really happen to her, Kirika opens the bath room door and walks in, as she is about to turn it over, Kirika's mum walks in and asks what ahe is doing with her life,

"what .... what do you mean" Kirika starts to have a faint heart a tack and then suddenly her mum pulls out from behind her back her half school year report, Kirika sigh in releaf that her mum doesnt know if she is pregnant or not, "ok ok ok I'll study more, i promise really, trust me i'll study more" kirirka said, trying to get rid of her mother and showing her where the door is.

Kirika looks back at the the test and screams out loud. Kirika looks for the box she bought ages ago, (a small blach thin box with red velvet cloth inside) finally kirika finds it and opens it, and puts the test in it.

Kirika walks down stairs and yells out "Im going to the post office" and her mother said "ok dear, be safe please", "ok mum" said kirika and Kirika ran to the post office and then sent the box to karma, hoping he wanted to keep the child, but kirika was very scared about what was going to happen to her and her baby and karma.

Karma called kirika and said "what happened .... where did we go wrong .... how did this happen .... did you double check .... please say you double cheaked" Kirika told karma "I took 65 test and she was positive and she wanted to know what was going to happen to them and what was going to happen to the baby and what they were going to do about it and that she couldnt tell her mother, after what happened to her father. Kirika started to cry and her mother came up and asked what happened, all kirika said was she misses here dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2019 ⏰

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