Chapter 1

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Jimin's head pounded from his hangover the next morning. He stumbled out of his room holding his head with one hand until he collided with something- or someone. Looking up, he gave Hoseok a drunken smile dripping with mock innocence.

"You reek of alcohol." Hoseok commented scrunching his nose in disgust. The smell burned his nose with their close distance.

"Huh? Oh." Jimin giggled then licked his lips in his tipsy-hangover state. "Mmm alcohol."

Hoseok rolled his eyes in annoyance, this drinking was really starting to get old. A drink here and there wasn't a bother, but the constant drunk drinking was getting on his nerves. Looking back down at Jimin, he flicked the shorter's unsuspecting forehead.


"Stop drinking unless you start bringing back more cash." Hoseok warned.

"Yessir!" Jimin gave him a mock solute then grabbed his jacket off the hook and put it on. Running his hand through his hair slowly and dramatically and he was ready for another day.

"Where's Suga?" Hoseok asked with a frown as Namjoon came into sight with his hair still wet from his shower.

"I don't know his whereabouts." Namjoon answered with a careless shrug.

"You two fucked last night, didn't you?" Hoseok accused as he walked up to Namjoon. Although Namjoon was physically taller, Hoseok held this sense of threatening dominance that made others shrink back. "Now, where is he?"

Jimin's eyes saddened thinking of Namjoon sleeping with someone else, but he remained to the back instead of confronting him. Right now Hoseok looked like he could rip someone's throat out and Jimin preferred it not to be him.

"He wasn't in my bed when I woke up, Jimin was by my side." Namjoon managed to lie without breaking eye contact. His hands where tactfully hidden behind his back. He expected Hoseok to lash out at him and his shaking hands would have been a dead give away of his lies.

"Are you fucking me?!" Hoseok snapped shoving Namjoon back then pointed at Jimin aggressively. "You. Where did you wake up?"

"My room?" Jimin stated confused trying to remember which room he came out of.

"You said he was in your room." Hoseok snapped at Namjoon.

"I woke up with Jimin in my room then carried him to his own room afterwards. You know how he is when drunk. I didn't want to cause him to panic." Namjoon skillfully explained.

Hoseok's jaw tightened, he was getting annoyed of all the bullshit. Yoongi was nowhere to be seen and his main lead to his location was playing dumb. Dark images flashed through Hoseok's head, all the ways he could get the two to start talking. Some being tactics he had used on those who betrayed him and were caught.

"Whatever, I don't care which bed Jimin wakes up in. Where the fuck is Suga?" Seeing how Namjoon was about to spit out another bullshit answer, Hoseok stepped forward and punched him square in the jaw. Thus, making Namjoon stumble back. " Where the fuck is he?! Tell me RM!"

"J!" Jimin cried out and latched onto Hoseok's arm before he could throw another punch. A memory from his drunken state flashed through his mind. "Daegu!" He blurted out.

Jimin covered his mouth quickly. Seeing the defeated look on Namjoon's face, he realized he had just spilled information that wasn't supposed to be said. Hoseok turned his focus t=from Namjoon to Jimin.

"What did you just say?"

"I said...Busan?" Jimin tried.

Hoseok shoved Jimin back against the wall harshly and glared down at him, almost daring him to try to act out of line. Jimin's head spun from the quick movements. Even with the pounding headache, he started the welcome the feeling, it was comforting in a way.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2019 ⏰

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