Part 1

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first episode
Ishitha brings the baby to a big house , she says tu yahi rahegi aaj se tik ka ?(u will stay here , ok ? ) . the baby smiles . ishitha cries hugging her . she says u gave me a reason to live baccha and kisses her
Raman enters ashok’s house , he shouts : shagun bahar aa? Shameless woman , come out now
Ashok comes there and says hello raman u here? Did u have anywork related to ur divorce with shagun . raman says ashok where is my daughter ?

Ashok : ur daughter , i don’t know where she is now , shagun did not want her anymore , so she left her in some train
Raman sits down in shock
Shagun comes and sees raman . she says raman tum yahan ? raman says u shameless woman , u r not fit to be called a woman , u did not have mercy on my child , for money u divorced me and went wid ashok , u took my daughter wid u and now , u lost her , chi and slaps her hard
Shagn falls down . ashok helps her stand up and says raman get out of my house . raman says meri bacchii , pata nahi , kahan hai kiss hal mein hai and remembers all the moments he spend wid her .
Ishitha’s house
Ishitha is singing a lullaby for the baby (chandaniya chup jana re plays in bg). Ishitha hugs her and cries . the baby sleeps . ishitha sees her and smiles . she looks around her and sees a big photo of her and another man . she goes and touches the photo lovingly


A man is seen sitting with ishitha , hugging her tightly . ishitha says shivam , i wonder how our life will be after these 9 months
Shivam : the only difference will be that there will not be two of us
Ishitha: yes we will have our baby wid us (and smiles in a very cute way )
Shivam says ishu don’t smile like that , u make me mad with ur beautiful smile .
Ishitha blushes
Ishitha comes out of the beautiful memory
She says i will never let u go anywhere and kisses the baby’s forehead
Raman comes home dejected and completely broken . santhoshi comes and asks him what happened . santhoshi hears him and get shocked . she says ek ma aise kaise kar sakti hai . raman says vahi mein bhi nahi janta ma . she stooped too low for money and left my daughter .
The next day……
Ishitha wakes up to see the baby sleeping peacefully . she calls her mother madhavi barwe and tells how she attempted suicide and found a baby lying there . madhavi gets shocked but happy to find her daughter a lil happy. She boards a flight and comes to Mumbai . she sees ishitha fully in white saree without any hint of happiness in her face and gets shocked . madhavi says kaya zala tula ishitha (what happened to u ishitha ) kya halat bana raka hai tune apna ? ( what have u done to urself ) . i know its really hard to come out of the shock but.…..ishitha says aai , this is more than shock to me and bursts into tears . she says aai how could he leave me just like that ? madhavi finds it unbearable to see ishitha in such a state , she had always seen ishitha happy . madhavi says ishu u came here to take care of shivam’s office branch in Mumbai . ishitha says she is my life now , i will manage shivam’s office being at home .
Raman says i will find my daughter at any cost . santoshi consoles him nd says calm down puttar , god will protect our child
Madhavi gets reminded of how happy ishitha used to be and remembers all the moments ishitha had been happy with her family

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