Meeting and greets

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Rainbow was having a hard night sleeping for some apparent reason

" Oh man I'm totally gonna regret this
in the morning " she said as she threw off the cover

she groaned as she got up

" I'll just walk in the hallways hopefully no ponies there she said in high hopes

But the academy halls aren't always empty a certain stallion was also having difficulty sleeping as well

Rainbow nor soarin were very tired causing them to not be as focused

"Omph "

Both pegasi bumped into each other

" hey watch it" rainbow said frustration in her voice

" oh oh hmm rainbow dash I'm so sorry" soarin said as he helped her up

" hey soarin why are you out here. Huh isn't it a bit late" she asked as she attempted to remain awake

A slight blush went on soarins face he rubbed the back of his mane

An awkward silence

" uh well I should go back to my room see ya" rainbow said

" oh yes yes see you good night rainbow" soarin said

When both peagsi left they both took a long breath in frustration

"Oh nice going there " soarin thought to himself

"Oh you just had to be rude to him nice job rainbow fail" rainbow said to herself

For the rest of the night both Pegasi were thinking about there recent incident causing them to fall asleep

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