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The two had found a strange middle ground as they carried on through their days. They continued on with their painting and drawing, with Ben teaching him something new any chance he was given. His sketching was still shit but he had to admit that he was getting better at least a little bit.

They still went into town every now and then, going to pick up the art supplies by the request of his parents, but it was different now. There was an obvious rift between the two even if Joe tried to ignore it. He tried to make it seem like things hadn't changed. That Ben hadn't made the confession to him and hadn't kissed him by the water's edge.

That day replayed often in his head, much to his annoyance. He didn't push him away as he should have, but he also didn't give in either. He just sat there, taken back and confused. God, how pathetic was he?

Ben didn't push the friendship any more than what it had become. He didn't mention the kiss or give Joe any looks like they once used to share. They were two people existing in the same house, in the same world. Just trying to get by until the end of the summer.

Joe found himself getting more annoyed with the whole situation, enough to where he almost wished he hadn't stopped Ben from leaving. His mother would constantly invite her friends over and show him off like he was her prized pooch. Some ladies would bring their daughters over to meet him and they would giggle and blush at his smile and his accent.

Joe rolled his eyes every time. The same girls who wouldn't give him a second look would still lose their minds over the handsome European man. He found a strange comfort in knowing that Ben preferred an Adam over an Eve and these women didn't stand a chance.

Some of the ladies suggested having him come and teach their daughters a thing or two, but he denied them all, swearing his allegiance to the Mazzello household. His mama was amused by it and his father just laughed aloud, completely unfazed by it all. He was too busy with his work to really care much about what his family was up to when he wasn't around. So long as nobody was getting hurt or in trouble, then let them play on.

Still, Joe could deal with that annoyance. He could deal with the stupidity of the people around him and carry on like never really mattered. That was until that man showed up.

Gwilym fucking Lee.

He was an old friend of Ben's, one who was to stay with them for a few days. He was passing through the states, having arrived from England for work. The sight of the tall man making his way across his lawn, dressed to impress in his military dress. Joe had never seen Ben smile so brightly.

Actually, he had. One night, when the two were alone they had sat together speaking of their ambitions. Ben spoke of returning to his home in England, where he was free to carry his families work. The way he spoke about art was in the purest sense.

And now here he was, smiling that beautiful smile for a man Joe had never met. The worst part was how utterly kind and friendly Gwilym actually was. His accent was as clean cut as Ben's, but his manners were unbeatable. He seemed to be the English equivalent a good old southern boy. He had just as much charm as anyone and it made Joe sick.

Seeing them together, laughing and speaking of old times, it made him want to throw up. He told himself it was due to his own personal issues. It wasn't natural, seeing Ben squeeze his arm and laugh at his jokes. He was acting like a giddy teenage girl. Like the girls who would flaunt themselves at him in town! He was no different and he wanted him to know that.

They had a history together and Joe found himself wondering just how friendly the two really were. Joe didn't know which was more outrageous. The idea of two men laying together or just these two specific men.

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