Does the color of the sky mean anything special to you? It does to me. A hell of a lot. When I close my eyes, the skies of my dreams, are a deep, dark blue.
Pilots have been in my family for generations. Flying is in my DNA. But even so, my grandpa didn't want me to join the Air Force. He lost faith in the Osean Air Defense ever since my father died in battle.
"Y'know Avie, I wish you could see what it's like up there." he used to say. "Cruising above the clouds... The dark blue of the stratosphere. Nothing beats seeing something like that from the cockpit."
I remember him tossing me a magazine one day; gesturing for me to read its head article. "Unmanned fighters are no longer a dream" it read. "Pilots taking to the skies will soon be a distant memory."
"I don't see anything good comin' from that." he said.
You know, lying smack-dab in the middle of the desert west of here, there's a ton of planes from the last war. Some of them were mothballed for storage, but the rest of them are just rusting in the scorching sun, waiting to get scrapped. Gramps has been really good friends with the supervisor there, so he got to take whatever he wanted. That's how we got the parts to build our own plane.
Now, when I say 'we' I mean me, my grandpa, and some of his old war buddies. I swear, I cut my teeth working for those geezers. With them, they taught me their skills, and... the occasional dirty joke. But with their age and faulty vision, I ended up having to do most of the work myself.
I remember I was at the airstrip doing some flight training when I saw it. A prototype drone. At the time though, it wasn't much of a plane. More of a trash can with wings.
"Laugh at it all you want, kid." he said, "But technology is always changing." He rocks his chair, looking out into the desert from the window. "If you don't keep up with it, it'll leave your ass behind."
It took over six years to get that engine running. It took another year and a half after that to get the airframe balance just right.
I'd gone from being a little girl to... well, still a girl. Just older. But now, I'm all alone.
I sigh.
Wherever you flying now Gramps... I hope it's peaceful.
But now... I was ready to break the sound barrier. All this plane can do was take off, accelerate, and fly up. But I was ready. I leaned back into my seat, as the engine began to roar. Clouds of dust and sand rising behind me as the plane sped up. The wings tilted slightly, as the plane's wheels began to lift up, and I began to soar. The air broke as my plane broke the sound barrier, and into the clouds. Flying straight up, all I saw, was a deep, dark blue. I could almost touch it. Then, I saw Osea's Fighters. They were tailing something. A drone. They were going all out chasing that thing. Doing thirty Gs at least. It was almost unbelievable. But the one thing that stuck with me was its insignia. The Erusean Emblem.
But... That's a whole continent away from here.
/booting system
System Version 7.974.11
>>accessing OADF communication log
>> confirmed
>> Golem 2: Unknown Confirmed Destroyed.
>> AWAC Sky Keeper: Understood. Golem Squadron, Return to base.
>> Golem 1: Read back and Confirm, did you say Return to base?
>> AWAC Sky Keeper: Confirmed. You're being restationed. We all are.
>> Golem 2: Why?
>>AWAC Sky Keeper: Mage Squadron has a new rookie. And Command wants you to assist them in an upcoming operation. We'll talk more when you RTB.
To Skies Unknown // An Ace Combat 7 Fanfiction
FanfictionIn the blink of an eye, the world was at war. To Skies Unknown is a fanfiction set on expanding on the characters introduced in Ace Combat 7, while also expanding a little on the narrative with my own personal touch. This is my second attempt at wr...