2 // Charged Assault

48 1 1

/booting system

System Version 7.974.11

Briefing Log #5-15-2019

>> Mission Command: Is everyone here? C'mon. Settle Down.



>> Mission Command: I said settle down!



>>Mission Command: You have all been instrumental in helping to maintain peace in Usea as members of the International Union Peacekeeping Force. Until today.

>> Mission Command: Earlier, our radar sites at Outpost Mckinsey informed us that a group of unidentified aircraft was approaching. Communications systems went down immediately afterward. This has led us to conclude that they have attacked the site.

>> Mission Command: So here's your mission. All those who've been ordered to sortie, are to fly to the radar site and force any unidentified craft to land. If they are to counterattack, you will-




>>Mission Command: What the hell was that?!

>> Control Tower: Multiple aircraft identified overhead! We're under attack!

>> Maintenance 34: The tank farm to the north has been bombed to hell!

>>Mission Command: Scramble! All units, take down all unknowns attacking the base! This is not a drill! I repeat. This is NOT a drill!

/shutdown system

The base was in disarray as the base scrambled to get their aircraft ready. Smoke rose from around the island, as aircraft scream overhead. But amidst the chaos, the sound of their boots on the tarmac was all Trigger could hear as they ran toward the hangar. Inside, was their F-16. Even with Osean colors, they can still remember the adrenaline with their first sortie... and they was ready to spread their wings once more.

>>Control Tower: All units, get ready to sortie.

They flip down their helmet visor, as they settle in the cockpit.

>>Trigger: Aircraft preparations complete. Ready to takeoff.

The helmet's HUD lit up as the hangar doors began to open.

>>Control Tower: Understood. Linking to AWAC Skykeeper. Standby at the front.

Ground crews were running all over the place, as everyone lined up on the runway to take off.

>> AWAC Skykeeper: HQ, What's the situation?

>>IUPF HQ: Radar Sites Bravo and Charlie still unresponsive.

>> Ground Control: Get those birds in the sky! We're sitting ducks!

>> Control Tower: Bombers incoming! Total number still unknown.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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