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CHAPTER SIX | ❝When The Darkness Arises❞

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CHAPTER SIX | ❝When The Darkness Arises❞


THE CAR RIDE to the Harveys, to say the least, was boring. Heavy and thick tension filled the car as no one spoke a single word. Christina was sitting in the front with Carter driving the car while I was seated in the back. Cameron couldn't come with us because it would have been too suspicious for all the four of us going missing so he stayed back.

This added more to my nervousness because Cameron had always been of that easy-going nature. An assuring company. But Christina has been giving me the cold shoulder today so I wasn't much sure of her. And let's not talk about Carter. We have a strong and mutual feeling of dislike towards each other, but his was, unreasonable.

Christina once glanced at me through the rearview mirror and when I looked back at her, she averted her eyes. Carter on the other hand kept his sharp jaw clenched all the while throughout the drive. This didn't at all turn out the way I planned it to be.

When Carter first dropped the bomb about me going with them, I was furious. But then when Carter made it clear that he was going to make this happen no matter what, I made a plan inside my head. They were hiding something huge. Something that could change the whole world. And this was my chance to grill them for the answers. Even though I was excited about the idea back then, I should have thought that they have the upper hand here. I can't achieve anything with them. I mean how could you grill people for answers on the way to their home when they brought you here to wipe off your memories.

And don't even get me started on how Carter managed to get the rest day off for all the three of us, without any sickness or anything. He did his eye thing,(which he failed doing with me) to the principal and compelled him to forget about all the three of us being present in the school. The principal's eyes turned glassy and had that distant look on his face like he didn't belong here. That same look was on Jayden that day on the building. A question suddenly popped in my mind.

Was he being compelled too? Was this the reason he was committing suicide? Does he even have any idea regarding any of this?

The principal gave us a mere nod and signed our leaves. I gaped at the scene in astonishment, earning an annoying smirk from Carter. If he was able to do this to him, then why not me. But I guess I'm glad. Nobody would want their memories to be wiped off. Our brain was like our home. It holds our every thought and secret, and someone going through them is equivalent to someone going through your underwear collection. So whatever my brain chemistry was, I'm thankful for that because I wouldn't appreciate the invasion into my brain. Not to mention the after-effects of compulsion. Anything can be done by anyone through that and that is clearly not something you would want.

"What's going on in that little head of yours?" Carter spared a glance at me through the rear-view mirror. Some of the earlier tension has dissipated a little as his shoulders slumped a bit, though his jaws were still clenched.

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