Second Period: Tart Hearts

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I couldn't even focus on first period because of the card I received this morning. Even being ranked the worst student at school, there was someone here does love me and has a crush on me! It's very exciting to know that!

When I got back to my locker, I couldn't help but look at the letter again.


      I found out your ranking in the school due to the vote. I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm writing this to you to let you know that you still have a sweet heart and I can no longer hold back my feelings. You will have a date for the dance this Friday. Be patient please, the time must be right.


Sweet Pretzel

P.S. I can't wait to give you your valentine gift ;)

So many things about this letter gets me all jumpy inside. One, I'm guaranteed to be goin to the dance and having a date! Two, I'm going to get something even better on Friday from her. Three, the fact that they wrote Sweet Pretzel as their name means that they want to stay hidden but are giving me a hint as to who she is!

Maybe she's the gymnastics captain of the Captain's Congress, Megan Richard. She's not only a gymnast but a fencer, dancer, and kick boxer! That's definitely got something to do with pretzels because she twists and turns a lot in everything she does!

Could be Stacy Arwing but I highly doubt it. She's the captain of the cheerleader team so she's also apart of the Congress. She does do a lot of twists and turns in the air when she cheers. But she would probably gravitate towards Chad as the cheerleaders and the football players naturally fit together.

I put the card away before anyone saw and got my stuff for math. I really only needed one book and some pencils. Everything is usually handed to us already printed and ready to go.

As I was making my way down to my class, the whispers started.

"Hey, isn't that the loser of the school. Name something like Erwin. What a disgusting name!"

"I heard Nicko call him Venom once. Maybe it's Eddie."

"No Venom is a perfect name for him. He is the most toxic one in the entire school."

"Maybe he'll get his own movie talking about is beginnings. Ya right!"

"I would rather pay to watch paint dry LOL."

Did that last girl seriously say the letters L, O, and L out loud? How on earth did I become the worst student in the school exactly. It's just a big fluke that makes the popular kids even more popular.

When I got into the classroom, I saw that there was a jar of heart candies that was blank. Beside the jar was some weird looking fine point markers. And beside that was the usual math problems worksheet, however, it was Valentine themed.

I was the first one to arrive so I just took my normal seat. Soon the students came in talking with each other and completely ignoring my existence. The teacher, Mrs. Star, walked in and silenced everyone.

"Okay everyone. All the math teachers agreed to do this little activity in spirit of valentines. You will all fill out the worksheet today for a grade. This will function like a test grade. There's a bonus question at the end where the answer is the number of candy hearts you will grab. If you got it correctly, you can go back to your desk and write messages with these markers that write sweet and edible ink. Give them to your sweethearts!"

This sounded like a fun idea and cool little idea. The questions on the 'test' weren't really hard at all, and this was going to be graded like a test. This will definitely help some of the struggling students in the class.

It went south pretty quickly with the hearts though. The answer to the bonus question was five and most of the students in the class got it right including me.

I ate all of my hearts because there was no one I wanted to share anything with. Every student around me was completely different. I got hearts from every person who got the bonus question right.

I was completely confused as to why I was getting so many until I actually saw the hearts. They had mean messages insulting me and having things like my student ranking number. Some were blank but had a crack right down the middle. I was so hurt.

I then heard people laugh and snicker at me. Tears started to well in my eyes and my cheeks glowing red from the shame and humiliation. Did no one really like me?

I got my things and quickly got out of my desk and made my way out of the door knocking down all the candy on the floor. The tears were about to break past.

"Excuse me Mr. Charles, where do you think you're going? Class is not dismissed and you made a mess you need to clean up." Mrs. Star spoke.

I completely ignored her and opened the door. Before I shut the door, I heard her call out, "Looks like I'll be seeing you in detention this afternoon." Great, just great.

For some reason that was the finger that pulled the trigger and the tears finally came rushing out. No one was around to see my temporary weakness. Good thing I wasn't sobbing or that would have gotten some passerby's curious.

Maybe reading that letter will make me feel better again. That's what I really need right now. My secret sweet heart. My Sweet Pretzel. They are my lifeline keeping me from going insane.

When I was making a shortcut to my locker, I heard moaning coming down that hallway. Up ahead I saw Nicko hanging buy his underwear on a hook. His pants were pulled down and his butt cheeks were burning a bright red.

I wanted to go and help him but I can't in this state. I would probably bawl in front of him if I explained what was wrong with me. I just want to get to my letter.

I decided to take the long way and burn up sometime and avoid Nicko. Someone will come and get him down. He's too nice a guy not to. He'll probably get a bigger wedgie in the process but they won't let him miss class.

When I got to my locker, a little part of me jumped with joy. I'm getting excited over a dumb letter but I couldn't help it.

I opened my locker and was shocked to see a jar filled with heart candy. I took the jar and opened it to see the sweet and sappy messages on the hearts.

I knew someone wrote these because there were some inappropriate words like Sexy, So Smexy, Fine piece of meat, dat ass, and winky faces [   ;)   ]. One at the very top had Sweet Pretzel on it as well.

My sweet heart took and entire jar and filled it with sweet messages for me. I ate some of the candy and it was so good! My tears went away instantly. They tasted much better than the plain ones I ate before.

I'm in love with this person even though I haven't met her yet!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2019 ⏰

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