Chapter 6

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A week has passed since the party. Both Lucas and Jungwoo have been focusing on their work.

Jungwoo has been working hard on his new book while Lucas has been busy with filming for commercials and doing interviews.

Lucas received a message from Ten, asking him if they could meet up somewhere.

It was actually the first time they would see each other again in person since his return.

''come here you bastard. Give me a hug'' Ten said as he pulled Lucas into a tight hug, almost squeezing the living shit out of him.

''ow geez, calm down. If you break something in my body you're gonna be in big trouble'' Lucas laughed, gently pushing Ten of him.

Lucas suddenly noticed a familiar face behind Ten.

Lee Taeyong..

''Long time no see, Wong Lucas'' Taehyung said, smirking knowingly at Lucas as they locked eyes.

''yeah.. it's been a long time, Lee Taeyong''

The three of them sat down at a table. ''what's he doing here?'' Lucas finally asked, pointing at Taeyong.

''we're dating'' Ten said nonchalant as he focused on the menu. Not bothering to even look up and see Lucas's reaction.

Lucas was genuinely confused at this point and looked at his best friend with an 'wtf' expression.

''wait, what?''

''do you know how angry I was at you? you've been back for more than two weeks and you didn't even bother to tell me!'' Ten half yelled at Lucas, smashing the menu card on the table.

''Yah, don't change the subject '' Lucas was getting a bit annoyed.

''Oh and when were you going to tell me about the fact that you're engaged once again!? Am I really your best friend? because you seem to forget to tell your best friend the important things!''

''what are you getting all upset about? you didn't tell me that you were dating this guy either'' Lucas scoffed.

''who is this girl you're getting married to?''

Lucas sighed and leaned back into his chair, tapping his finger on the table.

''Her name is Cheng Xiao and I'm not marrying her because I want to.. my parents are forcing me to marry her because her family has a lot of money and they think it's a good idea to have an arranged marriage'' Lucas explained.

''arranged marriage? Can't believe they still believe in such an old fashioned thing..'' Taeyong snorted.

''yeah well, sadly they do..''

It got quiet for a second until Ten spoke up again.

''But is she pretty and nice?''

''well yeah.. she is a pretty girl and she is kind but she..'' Lucas couldn't finish his sentence so Ten did it for him.

''isn't Jungwoo right?''

Lucas lifted his head and raised his brows. ''how did you-''

''oh come on Lucas, we've been friends for years and I'm not stupid. I know you still like him. we've been talking all this time and you've been mentioning Jungwoo from time to time. Besides, I know you and Jungwoo met again last week'' Ten chuckled.

''what? how?''

''I'm became friends with Jungwoo when you left to go to Hong Kong. Taeyong introduced us and I was actually the one who told Jungwoo about you leaving Korea. You should've seen his face.. he was devastated''

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