Forget Me Not

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Love starts as a feeling, but to continue is a choice. And I find myself choosing you, more and more every single day.

-Justin Wetch

February 20, 2019

8:00 PM

It happened again.
You know that fast beat against your chest? Yeah that happened. Look, I'm trying my goddamn best to stop this stupidity. But what can I say, I'm stupid.

If the person herself is stupid, do you think she could stop any stupidity on her way?

Yeah, I don't think so.

And the weirdest part, you weren't even doing anything. You were just standing, outside. You were outstanding? Okay I'll see my self out.

The moment the door opened, everything became chaotic. Suddenly I have this huge pit in my stomach that suck all my energy up, like a huge black hole. I can't even properly stand up. My knees felt like wobbly jelly.

Heck, I'm not even standing.

Your eyes scanned the room, searching for something, someone. Once found, it stopped, staring at it fondly, seeking for some sort of emotion from it.

That it was me. My eyes.

You smiled gently as you walked closer to where I am. With every step closer that thumping inside me became stronger and stronger. It felt like everything was in slow motion, muted, blurred. The only thing you can hear is that stupid rhythm.

But there was something underneath that smile. Something I can't quite point my finger to. There was a faint glint in your eyes that you tried to hide. You were smiling, but you didn't look happy.

Was that even possible?


Hey. How can a simple word start this electrified feeling in my body. You were starring at me straight in the eye, scanning for any emotion to be found. I'm not judging you for I am doing the same.

No words left my mouth, instead a smile became my response. Waiting for you to continue as questions run my mind.

Have we met before?

Do you know me?

Because as far as I remember, I have never seen you before.

"Mika, right?" There was a slight tremor in your voice.

"Yeah" I nodded, wondering how you knew my name "Are you looking for someone?"

You smiled as you answered quietly :

"Yeah, but I guess she's not here anymore."

And with that you bid your good-bye, but for some weird reason it doesn't feel like this is not the last time we'll meet.

January 31, 2019
2:31 PM

"Hi, I wasn't expecting you here." I closed the bathroom door and started walking towards you.

"School wasn't that hectic today so I decided to drop by a little earlier." A figure sitting by my bed smiled as he stood up to guide me to my bed. All of the sudden the room became bright for a reason I don't know and as your hand gently touched mine, I felt all my blood rush to my cheeks.

Why am I being like this?

I mumbled a thank you as I reached my bed. I was actually expecting you to leave in realization that you were probably in the wrong room but you sat down right beside me and started to talk about school.

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