Chapter 50

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When Jisoo has finally come to, she notices that it was already nightfall.

She slowly lifts herself up, a dull throb still eminent in her head. Looking around, she notices that she was once again inside a hospital.

The door suddenly opens revealing Suho's weary face. Upon seeing Jisoo awake, he immediately rushes over towards the younger.

Suho: How are you feeling Sooya?

Jisoo shook her head.

Jisoo: Besides a small headache, I feel fine Oppa. Am I allowed to leave?

Suho stares at girl in front of him with hesitation before slowly shaking his head.

Suho: There's... something you need to know Jisoo.

The younger cocks her head to the side, her face scrunching up in confusion.

Jisoo: What is it?

Seeing the hesitant look on the elder's face, Jisoo came to a mutual understanding as her face fell into a resigned expression.

Jisoo: It's about my headaches isn't it?

Suho's silence seemed to have confirmed Jisoo's assumptions, in which she nodded in acceptance.

Jisoo: What is it?

Suho closes his eyes as he takes in a deep breath, preparing himself to tell Jisoo the dreaded news.

Suho: Intracranial Hematoma.

Seeing the confusion on the younger's face, Suho releases a deep sigh before further explaining.

Suho: It's a collection of blood within the skull, most commonly caused by rupture of a blood vessel within the brain. We concluded that it was caused by when you were hit by that car, and the blood clot has been expanding up until now. 

Jisoo closes her eyes as she tries to process the news. Suho takes ahold of her hand and gives it a squeeze of comfort.

Suho: You have to get treated immediately Sooya. Our scans have detected the blood clot already spreading within your brain. A surgery is needed to clear the blood from your brain as soon as possible.

Jisoo: What... what are the chances that I won't make it out alive?

Suho: If we soon start the surgery, then chances of success are much higher. We—

Jisoo: What are the chances Oppa?

Suho stayed silent for a bit before answering the younger girl.

Suho: 76%... If we do the surgery, there's a 76% chance of success.

Jisoo: So there's a 24% chance that I might die.

Suho: The chances are still high Sooya. I'll make sure that the best doctors will be the ones performing your surgery. I—

Jisoo: But what about the complications Oppa?! There are still other factors that could happen during the surgery! I'm sure you know this as well as I do.

Suho ran a hand exasperatedly through his hair.

Suho: But the longer you wait, the lower your chances of survival will be Sooya! It's been weeks since that accident, your blood clot will only continue to grow!

Jisoo: There's still so much I have to do Oppa! Things that I have yet to finish! What if I end up dying in that surgery?! What if the 24% chance won over the other 76%?!

Suho heaves out a tired sigh before falling back into a chair. He sadly looks at Jisoo's tear stained face and shook his head.

Suho: So that's it? You're just gonna bet on your life this time?

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