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Clouds of mist circled around a golden tabby, other wise known as Mothwing. A fluffy piece of fur dropped in front of Mothwing's trembling paws as a raven flew up high, it's wings battering the wind which blew the dusk's light away into nothing. A winter storm was brewing, the winds closing in the fog until a hawk's feather glided down towards the shaky she-cat. It had frost in it, meaning StarClan's sign of something was closing in through the mist and dew. A piece of ivy lay perfectly still on a little pool of water as the wind made everything blurry. Her vision cleared and only a mountain stood tall and bold in front of Mothwing, which was so fluffy.

The lake's wailing and crying rang into her ears as the violent waves crashed along side the fluffy mountain's side, the wind kept thundering across the landscape that stood tall and bold in front of the golden tabby. There was howling coming from the forest down hill of the mountain, the loud snarling and growling of the waterfall made the golden tabby surprese a little shiver of fear as the water stalked down to the lake. The branches shook in fear as the wind crashed against them with violence filling the misty air. The full scene finally unwrapped like a deathberry during New-leaf at its beginning of murder. Wait. If all this has to do with Fluffytail, Ravenwing, Duskwind, Winterstorm, Ivypool, and Hawkfrost, doesn't that mean they have to travel to this mountain? It seems so, I don't know, dangerous? The golden tabby thought, panic flaring up inside her shaking body.

"Mothwing! She's stirring up!" Her apprentice, Willowpaw, squeaked.

"What do you mean by that?" Mothwing opened her eyes to see Hawkfrost and Willowpaw, whose pelts were bristling in panic.

"You had a seizure. Kind of like Ivypool's, but maybe even more crazier." Hawkfrost murmured.

"How is she from last night's seizure?" Mothwing held the urge to not speak about her vision.

"She's fine, but keeps talking about a mountain with horrible vibes." Hawkfrost shook his pelt.

"OH GREAT STARCLAN I HAD A VISION JUST LIKE THAT!" Mothwing jumped to her paws, panicked.

"You did?" Willowpaw tipped her head.

"Willowpaw, go bring Ivypool, Winterstorm, Duskwind, Ravenwing, and Fluffytail. Hawkfrost, you're staying here." Mothwing instructed.

Willowpaw nodded and bounded off, "Does this vision have something to do with my kin?" Hawkfrost demanded, his icy blue eyes flaring up with suspicion.

"You could say kind of. You'll understand when I explain." Mothwing remembered the horrible vibe of the landscape.

Willowpaw entered, the other cats at her heels.

"What did you need us for Mothwing?" Ivypool growled, unpleased with being awoken.

"Willowpaw, go check on Heavystep. Take the honey with you." Mothwing said before looking back at the six cats.

She explained her vision, shocking all of them besides Ivypool when she said they have to travel there.

"But... what if monsters live there?" Ravenwing asked before getting slapped in the shoulder by Duskwind's tail, "Great StarClan Ravenwing! When are you going to act like a real cat?"

"Stop bickering and listen to Mothwing." Hawkfrost said sternly before putting his attention back to his littermate.

"But how is the Clan going to cooperate without Hawkfrost? He is the Clan deputy after all." Fluffytail looked over at his father while speaking.

"Then Leopardstar will have to appoint a temporary one. I'll have a word with her later when she wakes up." Mothwing reassured the fluffy dark brown tabby, who only snorted.

"If anyone of us gets killed during this journey, great StarClan Mothwing, I promise I'll do something." Ivypool hissed, her deep aqua eyes gleaming with her future anger that will rake Mothwing.

"I promise you none of you will." Mothwing assured the wiry she-cat who still wasn't convinced.

"I hope you're telling the truth Mothwing or else I'll go with Ivypool's idea." Hawkfrost scooted closer to his mate, an unreadable emotion clouding his gaze.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure to have StarClan watching over you, especially your children since they are younger." Mothwing flicked her tail.

"Are you calling us old?" Ivypool raised her voice, but Hawkfrost murmured something in her ear which made her give Mothwing a dirty look.

"It's okay. I can't wait!" Duskwind hopped around like a kit coming out of the nursery for the first time.

"I'll make traveling herbs." Mothwing turned around after shooing the cats away. I hope I'm doing the best decision possible. If I'm not, a whole bunch of warrior will be lost and I will be the one to blame. Mothwing thought as she mixed the herbs, anxiety winning the best of her.

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