Pick me, choose me, love me

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story, they belong to the amazing show that is Orange is the New Black. This one shot is also inspired by a line from Greys Anatomy "pick me, choose me, love me".

Nicky's POV (kind of):

Nicky was tired, she was tired of constantly making herself vulnerable, constantly being let down and constantly playing second best to someone for the pure fact that they had a dick. She got it really, she wasn't the faceless saviour in Lorna's fairytale, the one who would one day swoop in and save her from her dragon-guarded tower. Instead she was also trapped in that tower, with nothing but her wit to act as a shield protecting her from the flames breathed by Piscatella and his little doughnut eating, coffee drinking dragon-donkey hybrid minions. Still, she'd take the literal imprisonment over her fragile abandonment issue riddled heart being played with any day.

So, she wasn't Lorna's Prince Charming on a white horse but she was her escape, of course not literally but mentally. She was an escape from reality and let's face it... reality had never really been Lorna's thing. But Nicky was real, and her feelings for Lorna were even more so, and she was standing right in front of her, she loved her like no one else, made her happy like no one else and still, Lorna would never choose her, well not unless she could grow a dick anyway... If she could she was certain it would be way bigger than Vinny's but that's besides the point.

She couldn't take it anymore, she knew Lorna wasn't exactly the sharpest knife in the draw but she was being stupid and quite frankly she had to be told. Nicky sat up, threw her legs over the edge of the bed, took a deep breath and ruffled her fingers through her blonde mane of hair. She stood up and made her way through the prison corridors, her feet tapping on the cold hard floors as she walked. She made her way to the Latino's bathroom figuring Lorna would be there on cleaning duty at this time.

Lorna was exactly where she thought she'd be. With her head up in the clouds she hadn't noticed Nicky walk in yet so the frizzy haired woman stood for a moment, watching the shorter girl, just taking her in, even doing something as mundane as mopping up fungus and pubes, she looked beautiful. Nicky cleared her throat bringing Lorna back to reality, her least favourite place to be, but it's where she needed to be, she needed to be made aware of what- who she had in the real world. Admiring her every move, she wanted for nothing more than her happiness.

"Oh hey Nichols, I didn't hear ya come in. I actually wanted your thoughts on something, what do you think about them introducing khaki skirts instead of these old baggy pants cause"—

"Yeah yeah that's great- look Lorna, I need to talk to you about something, and I want you to just listen for a minute OK, can you do that for me?"

Lorna brought her hands up to her chest, twiddled her fingers and nodded hesitantly.

Nicky let out a small smile at this little quirk before wearing her heart on her sleeve. "Look, I know you, I know what you want, I know that you want your life to be some fairytale, you want this cushy house with a big backyard, 4 bathrooms and a walk in closet... a suit wearing husband, 12 kids and a floppy eared golden retriever. And I know I don't fit into all that. And in reality you've got a life behind bars, eating flavourless slop at designated meal times, khaki pants (not skirts), a bunch of assholes constantly feeling you up just cause they feel like it and telling you what to do and - and you got.. me. Now don't get me wrong, you deserve so much more, you deserve the life you've always dreamed of but this is what you got... This is what I got, but I'm happy cause it brought me to you and that might not be enough for you but you're sure as heck more than enough for me"

"Nicky?" — Lorna raised her hand in objection but Nicky continued on in her hopeless declaration of love.

"Please Lorna, I gotta say this. I think you're incredible, nuts and all. You're beautiful, you make me feel good, even in this shithole, I just wanna be around you, I wanna be with you, every moment of every miserable day. I wanna kiss you, all the time.. but like actually kiss you, with every feeling I've got. You make me happy and I-I'm in love with you. And I know you're with Vinny. But he's not here, I am and no one could ever love you more than I do. So.... pick me, choose me, love me."

Nicky searched Lorna's face, making contact with her deep brown orbs, tears fell from her eyes. The black haired girl took a deep breath and all Nicky could think was here it comes, another rejection. But then she closed her mouth and she didn't speak.

"Well? Say something already, I'm dying here!" Nicky shouted waving her hand in Lorna's face.

"I- don't wanna say something.."

Nicky's face contorted into an expression of pain and confusion which quickly turned to frustration. She bit her tongue and let out an angered chuckle, throwing her head to the side.

Lorna just watched her for a second, this time she was the one staring in awe. She softly grabbed the only slightly taller girls face turning her head so that they were now looking into each other's eyes, a look filled with emotion and longing. She lunged forward, catching the other girls bottom lip between her own, they moved their mouths in synchrony. Lorna ran her hands through Nicky's thick hair to find the back of her neck, pulling her in to deepen their kiss. This was the kind of kiss that she had been talking about, one that said all they wanted to say without them actually having to say a word. Both girls felt their stomachs go up in flames and their cheeks flush. They pulled away from the kiss, both lingering, basking in the amazing moment.

Lorna felt that her kiss had been pretty explanatory but still, she wanted Nicky to know for sure "I choose you.. Nicky, and I'm in love with you too".

A crooked smile creeped onto Nicky's face, both now beamed as they smiled at one another then Lorna buried her head into Nicky's chest as they held each other close.

"You're wrong you know" said the red lipped girl


The next words Lorna spoke could be felt on Nicky's chest, the sound of her voice sending small vibrations.

"About the fairytale thingy, I didn't dream of a Prince Charming, I just dreamt of someone who could love me as deeply as I could love them... you're my fairytale Nichols."

If you got to the end thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Also I just wanna say this was written way before I watched season 7 but I deleted wattpad and now I'm back and thought I'm publish it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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Pick me, choose me, love me- NichorelloWhere stories live. Discover now