Doing a service

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After J'ron's little escapade through Helgen he started on the path Hadvar went on.

He recalled him saying something about Riverwood, but he was too far away so J'ron didn't hear everything.

"Great, so now I have to figure out what's what huh?" He walked on for a while before seeing a pack of wolves. They growled and seemed hungry enough.

J'ron quickly dispatched them and continued on, skinning a couple of them before leaving.

He came upon the guardian stones and looked at them for a while. "What are these?" He had never seen them before and didn't understand their purpose.

He got closer to the one on the left and touched it. When he did it lit up and formed a constellation, the beam like light shooting to the sky.

"..... Okay." He turned around and walked away from the stones. "I didn't do anything."

He walked for and saw what looked like a mine, his stomach growled and he thought the miners would be somewhat charitable.

As he approached the entrance he raised his hands defensively and looked at who he thought was a guard, a big brute of an orc.

"E-Excuse, do have any food you can spare. I haven't eaten in a while and I thought you might be a little-" The guard rushed at him and took swing at him with the warhammer.

J'ron leaped back and drew his sword, "Okay, not guard! Not guard!" He ran forward and stomped on the handle of the orc's warhammer and brought his blade up and sliced the orc's chest opened.

He gripped his chest and fell back, trying to stop the bleeding as best he could. It was pointless, the wound was deep, J'ron stabbed into his heart.

"No need to suffer." He looked at the body at his feet. "So these are bandits huh?" He looked at his sword.

He searched the orc and took some gold and a steel dagger. "Guess I could do a public service."

He entered the mine and slowly walked down into the mine. He saw a tripwire and walked around it.

"That's not good, they must be amateurs." He walked till he saw a open part and crouched down, slowly advancing.

He heard some chatter and he peeked around the corner. He saw two more bandits. "Don't worry about it, I already told you we put a guard to keep watch. And don't forget the rock trap we rigged up."

J'ron almost laughed, 'That was a trap?! It's so bad!'

He covered his mouth and watched as they separated, one walking up the small platform, the other going to a bed on the ground.

J'ron waited for a few second till the bandit was out of sight and he drew his bow, he aimed and shot an arrow into the sleeping bandit's throat.

He died before he knew it. J'ron made his way across the platform quietly and soon found the bandit, his back turned. J'ron reached and covered his mouth and slit his throat. He shook for a second before going limp and J'ron let him fall forward.

J'ron pulled at lever and the bridge came down. Two more bandits crossed, wondering about their friends. 'They're already dead.' J'ron thought.

He drew another arrow and fired into the bandit in the back of his throat. He grabbed at it and fell forward, his friend got down and checked him.

J'ron readied another arrow and he fired, aiming for the bandit's throat. But he moved just as it left J'ron's bow.

'Dammit!' The bandit looked and saw J'ron, "Look what we have here!" He started running across the platform to get to J'ron.

J'ron went to the outside of the opening to where he was and readied the dagger. When the bandit showed his face J'ron immediately ran the dagger through his heart, twisting it in deeper.

The bandit grabbed at J'ron before falling limp, the dagger slipped out, covered in blood.

J'ron sighed, "This is getting annoying." He stepped over the body and continued deeper into the mine.

He held his dagger ready and quickly rushed in, the first bandit he ran into he lunged at him and plugged the dagger in his throat. The bandit's eyes were wide with shock as he struggled for a second before dying.

J'ron looked at the cage door he was guarding and he searched the bandit and found a key, 'Easy.' He opened the door and looted the chest inside.

He noticed a spell tome and picked it up, "Illusion huh? Let's see if it's any use." He opened it and the knowledge went flooding through his head. When it was over the time disintegrated and J'ron held his head, "Well, that's uncomfortable."

He headed into the deeper part of the cave and saw three more bandits. One was working at a blacksmith forge, the others were walking around paying no mind.

J'ron dropped down and ran straight at the bandit at the forge and shoved her into it. Her fur armor caught on fire and she screamed and struggles to get out of the blaze.

Her friends quickly ran to her aid, J'ron had his bow ready and shot the bandit that was in the back and fired another arrow at the other's leg.

He grabbed his leg and howled in pain, "You worthless cat!" J'ron chuckled at the comment and walked to him.

"Yes, I'm a cat. If I am worthless then what does that make you if I kill you?" J'ron drew his sword and plunged it into the bandit chest.

He coughed up blood and tried to make one last word, but fell back before he finished.

"Hah, they really should have picked a better profession." J'ron searched the rest of the mine and he managed to find a decent amount of gold. 'Nice haul I'd say.'

He left put the entrance, avoiding the rock trap again, and exited the mine. It was a beautiful sunset by now and J'ron sat down on a stump and watched it for a time.

He had always loved a sunset for as long as he could remember, even in the swamps of Black Marsh.

When he couldn't see it anymore he got up and continued on the path. After a while he could see a town up ahead, 'That must be Riverwood.' J'ron smiled and looked at the sky, 'I can't shake this feeling that something is changing in the world. What is it?'

He shook his head and continued on his journey.
To be continued.

Hello hello again my dear readers, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have to say that it's fun to write these stories, my Jojo and Skyrim. Though as a heads up I'll be writing a sort of heavy smut one at some point. It's really just because I feel like it and I'll do it regardless if you want me to or not. Anyways, I'll see you next time and as always ARRIVEDERCI.

Tales of a Khajiit DragonbornWhere stories live. Discover now