The Night Watch

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It was a cold dark night. Hoodie and Masky were walking on a trail through the woods, Slenderman had sent them out on a small night-watch together in case of a finding, or if anybody was out in the middle of the woods. Slenderman usually did this once or twice a month, therefore both Hoodie and Masky had been pretty used to having to do this.

-Hoodies p.o.v-
I was walking next to Masky, the silence between us had gotten awkward for myself, I needed to think about something to talk about.. But what?

"..I don't get why Slenderman makes US go out.. Aren't we his top proxies? Shouldn't we be with him at all times.. Like.. Protecting the mansion and stuff..?" I said with a calm voice to Masky.

"Yeah.. He should make Toby or Jeff do it, but.. He's the boss, it's his rules and sadly, we must follow them at all times" Masky responded, his voice slightly shaky from the cold winter weather "Mmh.. Why did boss make us go out on the coldest fucking day..." Masky had mumbled quietly to himself.

I looked over at Masky, slowly wrapping my arm over him and pulling him close, trying to warm his body up. It was awkward and silent again, but I didn't mind, I was happy.. What is this feeling? My heart is beating loud, I have never felt this way before, my face had become a faint red color beneath my black mask, I looked away from Masky, unknowing of what to do.

-Maskys p.o.v-
Hoodie and I were walking silently in the woods, it was silent but I didn't mind too much, I just didn't want things to become awkward for him. A few minutes later he started up a conversation, it was just a peaceful little talk, it was very cold out, my voice was shaky as I responded back to Hoodie.

My face began turning red underneath my white mask as Hoodie wrapped his arm around me, trying to keep me warm. I smile beneath my mask, leaning just slightly on Hoodie as we continued walking  on the forest trail. I saw a structure in the distance, I pointed towards it, directing Hoodies view at it.

"We could probably stay there for a bit, it seems abandoned, do you want to check it out? Ya know.. Take a break from all this walking in the cold?" I asked quietly, looking up at the slightly taller male who had still been holding me close.

Hoodie had glanced at the cabin, immediately responding with a quick "Yeah sure" soon to be walking both of us toward the small wooden cabin.

The two men finally made it to the wooden cabin, they were both inside sitting on the bed talking with each other as they were both warming up. They sat closely to each other wanting more warmth, Masky had rested his head gently on Hoodies shoulder and Hoodie rested his head on Maskys head as he rested his head on Hoodies shoulder. They were both smiling but since they had their masks on they smiles weren't visible, nor were their faintly pink faces.

"Mh... So what should we while we warm up?" Masky asked, his voice calm and gentle, yet quiet as he spoke to Hoodie.

Hoodie was a very... Perverted friend, so his mind always went to the nastiest thing he could possibly think of "I mean.. We could do anything.." Hoodie responded, looking down at the other male who was still leaning on his shoulder.

Maskys face turned into a crimson red, he knew how kinky Hoodie could be, but to him? Does Hoodie really have feelings for Masky as Masky does for Hoodie? Masky didn't really know what he should do. He lifted his head off of Hoodies shoulder, looking at him with calm eyes underneath his white mask, he slowly lifted his Masky, throwing his mask onto the bed,  he faced at Hoodie, slowly lifting Hoodies mask. They were both blushing gently, Hoodie had a small smirk laid across his face as he slowly leaned towards Masky, kissing him.

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