Chapter 1: Question

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Arslan's pov:
Bump, bu-bump. My heart pounded in my chest. I couldn't believe the scene in front of me. Daryun was on the ground. I ran towards him screaming his name, but I stopped dead in tracks when I saw a dagger at his throat. The dagger was held by a sorcerer under the comand of my cousin, Prince Hermes. He walked towards me as he spoke. "If you don't want him to die than give up your claim to the throne and swear your algence to me." His words were like a blade enshrouded in a darkness that destroys and devours all hope. I didn't want to give up my claim to the throne but I also didn't want to lose Daryun. What should I do. The others probably don't know about what's happening and even if they do they probably won't be able to make it here in time. I had to make the hardest decision without anyone to help or guide me. I was on my own, everything was on me. I had no idea what to do. There has to be a way to save Daryun without having to give up my claim to the throne. Nothing. I couldn't think of a single solution. There was no way that I could beat Hermes in a duel, he's far stronger than me and even if I tried the masked sorcerer would probably kill Daryun. Tears started to fall from my cheeks as I realized how hopeless my situation was. Just as I was about to give in and surrender to Hermes, Faranguis came into the secluded courtyard. "Prince Arslan" she shouted, assessing the situation instantly. "Faranguis" I shouted back right before I heard my cousin curse. He grabbed me and drew his sword. He had held me around my upper chest, slowly walking backwards with me. I had to grab on to his arm to keep myself from falling. I wanted to escape, to fight back, but I feared what might happen to Daryun if I did. He pointed his sword toward Faranguis and threatened to kill me if she shot. She lowered her bow and placed the arrow she had out back into the quiver, her agitation and frusration clear as day on her face. As we were enveloped in shadows, I felt something strike me on the back of my head and the world faded into a still darkness.

-Time skip-

The world around me was seems to be a void of nothingness. I tried to move but my body felt so heavy and my energy seemed leave me. The more I tried the weaker I seem to get. I started to get light-headed and I closed my eyes. When I opened them, I was in an old room. I saw a man in a mask, sitting at a table near the bed I was in. 'So I was dreaming'. He was mixing what looked like herbs together. I tried to sit up but my head started to throb. The man looked over at me and chuckled. "Easy there, you've got a nasty bump on your head. Prince Hermes didn't want to take any risks of you trying to figure out escape so he knocked you out". When the man's words finally registered in my brain, I remembered what had happened. "Where's Daryun" I said in a panic. I tried to get up but my throbbing head made me stumble and fall to the ground. "Hm, Daryun? Hey! Easy there. If your talking about your friend who fought Prince Hermes, he's fine. Don't try to get up again just yet, alright". He helped me back into the bed. "Don't worry. Like I already said, your friend is fine, for now at least. You wait here, his Highness will want to know your awake". He walked out of the room, leaving me all alone. I calmed down and looked around the room, they must not think I would be that big of a threat, seeing as they didn't lock me up in a cell. It wasn't too long before the masked man returned with another man in a mask. It was the man from the fight. "Prince Hermes is a little busy at the moment and requested that I take care of you for the time being" the man said with a smile "I would think carefully about what your answer will be if I were you". "My answer...". I looked down at my hands. That's right, I had to choose if I would swear my algence to my cousin or not. If I swear my algence then me, Daryun, and all my men would be safe, we would be stronger, we wouldn't have to worry about Lusitania anymore, but we would be considered traitors, I wouldn't be able to take the throne, all of the things I had planned to do probably won't happen, and I would lose the backing of the common people. My father would also probably want me dead, but then Hermes might protect, maybe. But if I refuse, Daryun would be killed and I probably would be held as a prisoner, that is if he didn't decide to kill me too. Even if I had my sword I wouldn't stand a chance against Hermes. He's far stronger than me. I furrowed my eyebrows trying to think of a solution to my predicament, but I couldn't really focus on anything with the way my head was pounding. It seemed the hard I tried to think the worse the pain got. I touched the back of my head where the pain was strongest and I felt I slight bump, wincing when I touched it. "Here, drink this. It will help the pain". The masked man offered me the mixture of herbs he had been mixing when I first woke up. I drank the concoction. "It's time for you to sleep now" the other masked man said. When he placed his hand on my head, my eyelids became very heavy and I fell into a deep sleep.

Hermes' pov:
"This is our chance, my Lord. We could take control of him and the army he commands. If you allow me, I could turn Prince Arslan into a puppet that will follow your every command with out hesitation, a soulless doll who's one desire and purpose would be to serve you, Prince Hermes". "Not yet, I wish to see what my cousin's answer will be first. If he does not wish to join us, we will try to influence him to do so and if that doesn't work then you may do as you please. I will leave him in your care for now, Arzhang. Tell him that I will be expecting his answer by dinner tonight". "Yes, your Highness" As I watched Arzhang leave, I thought of the events that transpired the previous day. I remember that it started when I was fighting Daryun and Arzhang attacking him from behind. Daryun was barely able to avoid the attack, making him lose his balance. I took advantage of the opportunity and cut him down. The wound was not fatal, just enough to keep him down. "I will leave him to you, try to get as much information as possible from him and remember don't kill him. He is a powerful bargaining chip against Arslan". I was about to leave the courtyard to look for Arslan as the young prince wondered in. 'what luck' I thought 'this will save me the trouble of having to go look for him and running into his men'. He drew his sword and jumped back into a fighting position when he laid eyes on me, but then his eyes grew wide when he saw his black knight. "Daryun!" he called out, dropping his sword as he started to run towards the man bleeding on the ground. "Arzhang". "As you wish, Lord Silvermask". Arzhang then held his knife to Daryun's throat, implying to Arslan that if he made one wrong move then his black knight would die. Arslan froze when he saw the dagger pressed up against Daryun's throat. I sheathed my sword. I smiled as I walked over to my younger cousin. "If you don't want him to die then give up your claim to the throne and swear your algence to me" I said as I offered him my hand. What I said seem to tear him apart. He looked scared and panicked. It didn't take long before tears started to stream down his face. He looked like he was about to break into a million pieces. At that moment, one of his advisors came in. I cursed at the of the black haired priestess. "Prince Arslan!" "Faranguis!" I drew my sword and grabbed Arslan. I wrapped my around his upper chest so he wouldn't be able to escape. I expected him to attempt to fight me but he wasn't even trying to escape my grasp. All he did was grab on to the arm that I had wrapped around him so he could keep his balance as we walked backwards towards my advisor. As soon as the both of us were swallowed up in the darkness of the magic, I hit Arslan in the back of his head with the hilt of my sword, rendering him unconscious. I sheathed my sword and picked him up like the sleeping child he was. His face looked so peaceful as he slept. I carried him over to the room I stayed in when Arzhang saved me from the fire that burned the right side of my face. I carefully placed him down in the bed and removed his armor. 'He has such a peaceful and feminine face, like a cute, gentle girl'. I coresed his soft cheek with my hand, brushing his hair out of his face. 'Could someone who seems to be so caring truly be the son of Andregorus?'  I left him to rest and told Gurgan to take care of Daryun and Arslan. A while later, he came back with reports of how the two were doing. "The Arslan looks fine, he's still unconscious but fine. I can't say the same about Daryun. I've done all I can for now". Arslan had woken up a few times since we've arrived, but he was only half awake. All he would do would take some medicine that Gurgan made to help him relax and to relieve pain. "Sigh, This is going to be a real pain trying to keep him hidden from both his men and the Lusitanians". "My Lord". A Lusitanian servant had come in. "Prince Guiscard requests your presence". "Very well, I will go see what he wants".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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