Chapter One: Flashbacks

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(A/N) This is an AU in which none of the brothers exist and all of the girls are not related! The girls have been split up into 2 separate families and their ages have been changed. The arrangements for this fic are as follows:

Christina Cimorelli: 23    
Amy Cimorelli: 21
Lauren Cimorelli: 18

Katherine Gallo: 22
Lisa Gallo: 19
Dani Gallo: 16

This book is also co-authored as it is on a collab account, so each chapter is written section by section by either
@ Incimniac or @ crackerelli (: this is our first fic together so please show it some love!
Enjoy!!! <3

Amy's POV:


"AMYYY!! Will you hurry up?! We need to leave soon!!!"

I woke up to my eldest sister, Christina's voice booming throughout the entire house and waking me up instantaneously. I rolled my eyes and began to sluggishly drag myself out of bed. I swear her voice could wake up the entire city.
I rushed to the mirror to quickly get ready for the day. I decided to just wear what I wore to bed, the hoodie and leggings could easily pass for regular clothes, and besides, nobody at the hospital will care what I look like. Even if they do, all I want is to see Lauren as soon as I can. I ran a comb through my hair and hurried downstairs, taking the steps two at a time.
I was immediately greeted by my older sister, who was obviously anxious and impatiently pacing.
"Are we ready to go?" she sneered.
I quickly nodded, grabbed my coat, and ran out the door.

"So..." Christina said, breaking the prolonged silence inside the car.
We are never this quiet. Especially around each other, being the extroverts we are. But, things haven't really been good between us lately.
"How are things..?" she asked.
As simple as this question is, it made my blood boil. She decides to talk to me now? After all this time? Despite my now rising anger, I attempted to compose myself and give her the benefit of the doubt. She was trying, at least.
"Great!" I lied.

Life has been pretty terrible lately, which I'm sure Chris knows. I haven't seen my sister and basically only friend, Lauren, in over 3 months. On top of that, I'm failing all my classes and have literally no friends at school.
It was silent for a moment longer before Christina finally spoke,
"Look, Amy, I know we haven't talked for a while an-" she started, but I let my anger get the best of me, cutting her off.
"Christina. We haven't had a conversation in THREE MONTHS. You won't even let me SEE my younger sister, because what?! Because she's sick?!! What kind of a reason is that?!" I said, now clenching my fists.

There was a period of time a few months ago where I was actually allowed to go see Lauren in the hospital, going over almost every day during visiting hours, but then about three months ago, Lauren got really "bad" again and Christina made the executive decision to stop letting me see her. She never takes into consideration what I want, or what Lauren wants for that matter. I mean, maybe seeing me could even HELP her! I swear sometimes she forgets I'm 21 years old. Or maybe she just doesn't care.
"Amy, I'm really sorry, the doctors and I both agreed that you shouldn't see Lauren until she was better. I've been really trying to be there for you, but you just shut me out and I-"

Her voice began to break. I felt bad for being so harsh, but at this point, I had lost control of myself.
"You have NOT tried to talk to me AT ALL. I swear all you care about is yourself." I cried, now realizing the tears streaming down my sisters face.
"AMY. Are you even hearing yourself right now?! I'm really trying my be-"

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