Chapter 10

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my dad has been in a accident I needed to see Lilly I sent her a message saying can we meet I she didn't reply straight away but when she did it said

"Where are we gonna meet" she sent me I sent her my address and went down the stairs ad sat on the couch for a bit until someone knocked on the door I ran to the door and opened it I looked at her almost crying at her I tiled her then she wrapped her arms around me we went in the kitchen where my mum was crying

"Mum this is Lilly" I said

"Hello Lilly I'm j-Jackie"

After that we went upstairs but we're stoped by my brother who hits on all my girlfriends and always wins them over

"We'll who do we have here" Calum says

"Lilly this is my brother Calum" I swing so pissed off

"Hey" she Said ever so quietly

"Hello I'm his brother" he placed his hand on her shoulder I grabbed and ran up stairs he yelled

"Call me if you need me " me and Lilly just sat and talked about nonsense until Harry bursts in "hey what up" he said puffing

"The sky but apart from that nothing" Lilly said laughing

"Oh haha very funny" he said grinning Lilly looked at her phone and typed something than looked at me and said "I have to go" I straight away said "I'll walk you down" I said she waved bye to my mum and she gave harry a hug "bye hey next time you see Sammy tell her I love her"

"Ok I will" she walked over to me and I grabbed her by the waist and and pulled her in for a kiss we kiss until Harry. Said "ok enough or in gonna be sick" he said holding his stomach

"Don't you start you and Sammy do it all the time" Lilly said grinning she kissed me once more than left I walked up stairs harry following me "hey so Lilly's hot " I took his shirt in both hands and smashed him against the wall "aww" he said really like he was in pain "if you ever touch her Or look at her funny I'll will hurt u Evan more, do you understand "

"Yes yes alright let go of me" he paused then said "you must really love this girl" Harry pulled me back up stairs and he just watched smash things



Wow it's 6:30 I better get up I walked over to the shower and got then Got out and picked an out fit I went for a Paris shirt and some shouts I did my usual make up and straighten my hair I walked down stairs and picked up an Appel and my school bag then walked to my car to see jake was in my drive way "what are you doing here" I said stunned

"Taking you to school, get in " he yells back to me I walked over to his door and got in the passenger seat I leaned over and kissed him and he said "love you" and then kissed me agin "love you to" we got to school we walked through the school gate and jake put his arm around me and everyone was staring but I didn't care jake walked to my locked with me until I saw Sammy and Harry coming down the hall way she gave me a look wanting to know if to ask I shook my head "hey lill" she sis hugging me "hey sam" as she let go I walked over to harry and gave him a hug "hey harry "

"Hey " I saw Sammy hug jake it was nice we all walked to homeroom together we sat in our normal spots we had AP English class after which was the same class but with different teacher me and Sammy got into trouble for talking the rest of the day went very quickly the bell rang after my last class and me and jake wen to the mall after school with Sammy and Harry me and Sammy went to look do some thing to wear to the concert we saw this beau outfit white dress the it had a colour down the bottom it was so pretty I got a aqua one and Sammy got a blue one it was 50$ each so together we spent 100 but our dads are rich not wanting to brag or anything we walked to see the boys have bought something to I walked over to jake and said "so what did you buy " I said really badly wanting to know "its a surprise" he looked at the bag in my hand "what's in the bag" he said smiling "its a surprise" I said laughing "come on I'm hungry let's get something to eat" Sammy said at the same time as Harry we all just started laughing "ok let's go" jake said smiling I had a burger and chips Sammy had the same so did jake and Harry had subway after that jake and I went back to my place we walked through the door to see my mum cooking dinner which is unusual because dad is the one who cooks and it's only 5pm so we went into the kitchen "hey mum this is jake" I punted to him she looked up

"Hello jake I'm Lisa" she smiled

"Hi" he looked at me and smiled

"So mum what's for dinner" I said

"Pizza" she said not looking up

"Ok we'll be up stairs if you need us, oh can jake stay for dinner mum" I stopped to hear her answer "yes of course he can" I smiled we went up stair and watched transformers about half way through the movie Kyle come bursting through the door "hey guys mum said you were here jake hoes it going" he sat in between us almost squashing me "good mate yourself" jake said "great " this conversation went on and on so I went down stairs to see dad's home "hey dad" I have him a hug "hello sweetheart " then mum yelled "dinner reddy " Kyle ran after then jake dad said"who's this "

"Dad this is jake " I smiled "nice to meet you sir " he put his hand out so dad could shake it "likewise" he shook jakes hand and we ate after that I walked jake out and and he pulled me into his arms and kissed me then I pulled away and said "I love you" I looked at him straight away said" I love you too" we kissed once more and he got into his car I could've by imagine my life with out me..........

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