Apple Tree

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It was almost 10 pm and I was getting ready for bed. As soon as I turned the lights off, I got a text.
Only Hunter would text me at this time on school night. Way to go Teacher. I walked out of the house not making any noise. I saw him sitting under an apple tree. Which by the way divides our houses. I walked towards him and took a seat next to him.

"So, why are we here?"

"Just wanted to talk, I mean we used to talk back then. You would talk about everything, I enjoyed listening to you." He smiled.

"Yeah, then you got a girlfriend and things between us changed. That day I lost a good friend. Because I considered you that. Then you left
and I didn't see you for 4 years." I sighed.

"I'm sorry, if it makes you feel better, she cheated on me with some drug seller. Turns out she was a crack head." I chuckled at those last words.

"You're here now, we can go back to being friends." I smiled. Even though I wanted for us to be more than friends. But this works too

"Yeah, I think I'm good with being friends." He said while playfully bumping his shoulder on mine. This felt so surreal. Sure we talked before, but he never once got flirty like he did after class and in the house. Maybe I'm reading too much into this.

We got up and said goodbye before returning to our houses. Moving from this crush seems impossible with each day that passes. But I have to, the man is 7 years older, I'm sure he wants someone more mature and a professional. I bet he already wants a family. It's best if I move on.

I was grabbing my books when someone caught my eyes. It was Hunter talking to my English teacher. He was being flirty with her as she giggled like a highschool girl. Ugh. I always hated that teacher, and now even more. 
"So, want to grab coffee later?" She asked while flashing him smile.

"Love to." He smiled back.

God this hurts so much. Watching the guy you like, flirt and be all nice with someone else hurts like a bitch. I decided that it was best to ignore him. I mean what was I thinking. Us being friends would lead us to being more? Maybe, but that dream got crushed and will never become real.

Lost in thought I didn't realized I had tears falling down. Someone pulled me into a hug, I so needed this hug right now. "let's go somewhere else." He said. We walked to the school gardens and just sat on the grass.

"Hurts." I wiped my tears.

"It hurts to see my best friend suffer cause of a twit who can't see what's truly in from of him." Chris said while giving me a side hug.

"I was stupid for thinking that with him back, maybe just maybe, something could happen. But let's face it, he's 25 and I'm only 18. He doesn't want a highschool girl." I sobbed.

Ever liked someone so much that moving on was impossible? Me right now.
After talking to him, we went back to classes. Jane was sick and couldn't come to school today. 

The day went by and I walked towards my car. I just wanted this day to be over and forget the fact that Hunter was going on a coffee date.

As soon as I was getting inside my car I was stopped. "Miss. King. Didn't see you in my class, why's that?" Of course he noticed me gone.
"Menstrual cramps. Those bitches are tough." I sighed. Didn't need for him to know the real reason.
"Well, I hope you feel better. See you at dinner." He said while walking towards me really close.
"What do you mean dinner?" I asked very confused.
"Well, your dad invited me for dinner. Also wants to discuss something else. See you at night. Miss.King." He replied with a cheeky smile before leaving. Oh dad, you're killing me small.

I went home, took a shower and also a nap. I needed energy if I was going to survive a dinner with Hunter. I hope he doesn't bring that English teacher.

Later that night I got out of the room and found him in the living room talking to dad. I hope they're talking  about football. Dad motioned me to sit next to them. Well next to Hunter. And that's what I did. His cologne was very Intoxicating, I just wanted to grab him and kiss him like there's no tomorrow.
"So, since your grades in history are not the best, Hunter will be your tutor. So after class he will come here for two hours to help you improve." Oh dad, why?
"Seriously? I hate history. No offense, Hunter." I sighed. They both just chuckled.

"None taken, Miss. King." He flashed me a smile. Mom came and told us dinner was ready.
After dinner he said he had to meet someone for coffee. Stupid English teacher ugh. I hate her more now. I was in the living room just drinking my coffee while watching a movie.
"So, you like Hunter." I turned to see Matty.
"No, we're just sort of friends again. I think." I retorted.
"Oh you like him." He chuckled.

While most siblings would rat you out. Matthew didn't. He always told me that he wanted for me to be happy. The only fight we had sometimes, was about the control remote.

"Shut up." I sighed while resting my head on his shoulder. He chuckled some more.

I hate the fact that I still like Hunter. Maybe joining the cheerleading team will distract me.

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