Normal? or Not?

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Forever's pov : 

*sigh* another boring day at  animal world there's always so boring no conflict nor an adventure to explore ugh! this is frustrating. But lets visit one of my friends I guess welp I have nothing to do other wise meh lets go... ( Forever have a cutting addiction,lonely, depressed, sad, and hated) well I have keep my cutting addiction away from my friends  I know this is bad but felt so right at the same time, and my family abuse me for being me and not being the best nor I'm like my sister she's so better then me I just felt so jealous of her she always gets what she want and I don't. well I'm already here *knocks* Oh hello Forever! how you been!? said Foxy Well it have been a quite of a while I have been at your house.

Foxy's pov:

huh she never changes old same old I love the old time we have good memories.... "Ummm Foxy are u ok you space out a bit while we were talking is there anything wrong do you want to talk about it? "said Forever awww Forever is a nice friend in the rest of the group even she doesn't notice she is. "oh nothing at all I just thinking about the old time we have before we parted apart..." "oh... ok.. "said Forever. "Well anyways... What are you up too?" Forever said feeling bored out of her mind. "I was chilling in my house how about you?""Well I was about to go to meet everyone else" forever said kinda sad but I shake off the feeling.

To be continued

(Idk but I should do the first book bu nah but here Is the second universe) {p.s there will be a third book so after this pne but meh =w=}

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