
31 2 7

Ah my wall is coming up
trump did that evil laugh type shit
Yk what I'm talking bout like when they got the cat on the lap... ya that
To bad during the laugh a hair ball came up
(I should really stop now,, to bad skskskskksks)

And yk the people are like,
Ohhhhh no hoe! You ain't taking my money for that damn wall

And he a whole,,
Watch me do you it!
He done shut down the government to take the money

(A/n i feel like this is my best story so far skskskskksks)

Then trumps wife yk the Mexican one lol
(i have nun against Mexicans, trust me,, just to clear things up)
was like,,
Wtf is he doing?!?!?!? He so stupid,, he needs to stop all this bout some wall omg

Then the wall jumps in and goes,,
Honey!! You just made he love me more and tryna block out yo family hoe!!!

So yay everybody pretty mad but here i am writing this story bc its funny asf and i give no care in the world rn,,

And then you would never guess you comes in..

Ey papi this dumbass Cheeto think he can build a wall
Ahhh ehesks oi he funny
Then they just take his really cool tool

Guess what its called a... ladder
And place it next to the wall and climb over it

But trump still makes his wall which cost millions because he lovers him some wall and hate him so illegal Mexicans.


So sorry for this,, not really but ya
So I'm home alone and everybody is at school {eyerollllll}
So ya byebyebye byebbye

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