Slushie, Our Love is God (JDxSlushie)

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Hey, Susan-Chan here, back at it again with another Fortnut video! I've made a JDxSlushie, (which is OTP, by the way) Here it is! 

What am I actually doing with my life. 

Veronica had left with Heather. I could finally be alone. I walked back into the 7 Eleven, making my way towards my prise, the great, hot, slushie machine.

I was born with magic telepathic powers that make me talk to slushies/slushie machines. The doctors don't know why, but they say it's a part of why I'm such a psychopath. They might be right. I wish I could tell someone, but even Veronica would think I was smoking too much drugs.

I get a cup, the XXL size, and start talking to the slushie machine.

"Hey." I say.

"Hello JD." the slushie machine replies. "Why have you been gone for so long?"

"I've been hanging out with some chick named Veronica." I answer, and before the slushie machine can reply, I quickly mention "But she doesn't really mean anything to me. She's nice and all, but you're the only love in my life."

"Have you saxed her?" the slushie machine asks. I nodded my head. "Why? I thought you loved me!"

"I'm only trying to hide my true self!" I yell, and the guy at the counter looked at me funny.

"Why would you want that?" the slushie machine cries, "we haven't even saxed yet."

"I'm sorry." I say. "How can I make it up to you?"

"Well... you could take me out of here... and show me to your place..." it blushes.

"I can do that..." I say, and pull out my handgun aiming at the cashier, a ginger kid with long hair. "One slushie machine... to go." I say in that calming, sexy JD voice I have.

"U-um..." he stutters. "Sh-sure, take it."

"Thanks for doing business with ya." I say, and wink at him.

I unplug the slushie machine, and carry it out to my motorcycle. I grab some guy wires from the telephone poles nearby, and using my love for the slushie machine, I secure the slushie machine on the motorcycle, and drive off to my house. Once inside, I go to my bedroom, I plug in the slushie machine and speak to it.

"Ok, what do you want to do now?" I ask.

"Well..." the slushie machine says, "how about some... sax?

"Oh, of course..." I say, and take off my shirt. I then unzip... my saxophone case and pull out the sax. I play all the greats. Never Gonna Give You Up, Epix Sax Guy, and the Jimmy Neutron Theme song. As I play the beautiful music, the slushie machine somehow stares at me in a loving gaze. I realize what I have to do.

"Slushie, I love you. Will you make me the happiest person alive and Marry me?" I ask, blushing the whole time.

"Oh, JD, Yes! Yes I will!" the slushie machine says, and I give it a kiss.

The next morning I write a letter to Veronica. I went something like this:

"Dear Veronica, We've been getting out of touch. I know it sounds crazy but I'm in love with a something else. I no longer think of you each night, my balls are getting blue. I've gotta tell you life with ya has been rough, and I won't miss talking to you and, slush. I've been too busy smoking drugs and other stuff. I just need a little reinvention. I need to change and give something else a little attention. It's just who I want to be.

                                                        Sincerely, JD 

It was finally over, and I could spend the rest of my days, living with the thing that helped me become who I want to be. I loved that slushie. I really loved it.

Hmm... I wonder what the Inspiration for that letter was... I think I've had that in my head for 2 days now. Well, that's all for now folks! See you next time with some more really unneeded content!

- Susan-Chan OwO

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