Chapter 9

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Chapter 9....lessons in self control

Standing in my kitchen I found myself staring at the calendar. The picture of the couple walking hand in hand down a country tree line road offered me no peace. In truth it seriously annoyed the hell out of me. Rubbing my sleep deprived eyes I blinked several times at the month as if it would some how appear different. Could it really be May already? Thinking back I hooked up with Will in July...had the twins six month later on December fifteenth....spent two month in the NICU unit at the hospital....bought the house in March...and that was two months ago. Time was a cruel mistress as she left me behind without notice this year.

With a sigh of frustration I headed for the couch which was not only calling my name but screaming it. Over the past three days I had maybe eight hours of sleep in total. The twins were teething and Logan had the flu to top it off. I would just get one to sleep and the other would wake up resulting in two crying over tired babies. Talk about the perfect time for the nanny to go on spring holidays to Italy. Wishing I was with her I pulled the blanket and covered my eyes with a pillow praying for a few hours of sleep.Apparently I didn't pray hard enough as the all too familiar sound of a baby fussing drifted through the monitor. Laying stiff as a board I held my breath waiting to see if they would just fall back asleep. Knowing I was going to have no such luck I headed for the stairs. I hadn't even reached the third step when they started crying.

The thing with twins is no matter what you are short a set of arms. At times like this you are especially short a set of arms. I tried cradling Logan in my arms while rubbing Landin's back. Singing softly I hoping one of them would settle when I felt something warm and wet run down my back. I moved Logan just in time for him to throw up all down the front of me. Laying Logan down on the change table I yanked my shirt off tossing it on the floor. Puke was literally ever where including down my bra. Since it was the middle of the day and no one was home I unhooked my bra and dropped it with my shirt. After stripping Logan I picked him back up. Mumbled out loud to myself "Guess it's bath time."

Turning around with the baby in my arms I nearly jumped out of my skin. "What the fuck Will!" Positive I was having a heart attack I gulped for air, "You scared the shit out of me!"

"I rang the door bell," a cocky grin etched his lips. "I guess you couldn't hear me over the babies."

"Obviously not," still gasping for air I stared wide eyed at Will as he picked up Landin and began to sooth him.

"You look positively necked" his grin blooming out into a full blown smile showing off his dimples.

"What?" My skin flushed hot as I suddenly realized I was standing half naked I in front of him. Using Landin I did my best to cover my body.

"Necked...means tired, exhausted or what have you." The laughter in his voice only served to push my embarrassment further. "Or I guess in this case naked would apply too."

I squirmed under Wills gaze as I looked for anything I could possibly use to cover up. Just my luck the towels, crib sheets anything like that was over on Wills side of the room. "Why don't you and Logan go have a bath and I'll wait downstairs with this little guy."

I waited for a minute for Will to leave the room. Instead he dropped a kiss on the babies head and seemed to be waiting on me to leave. Deciding there was a time to be proud and a time to just get clean I held my head high and did my level best to walk by him as if nothing bizarre was going on. I did however stare at out the doorway as I couldn't meet his eyes. Trying not to mutter what a fool I was to loud I jumped in the shower. Of all people and at all possible times why did it have to be Will to find me in such a compromising position. Why could I never have my shit together when it came to that man. No matter what I was always a disaster while he never seemed to faultier. It just wasn't fair.

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