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《3rd Person Pov》
《Years In The Past》
《Lotus Village》

A young Y/n ran at a man with Crimson Red hair and eyes that matched. The two of them had wooden swords in their hands, Y/n swung the wooden sword at the man, but he blocked with ease. In one fluent motion, the man disarmed Y/n and pushed him to the ground.

Young Y/n: "Ow!"

Man: "*Sigh!* You made the same mistake as last time Y/n."

The man then bent down and helped Y/n up.

Young Y/n: "I'm sorry Papa."

The man, now known to be Trik, aka Bujin Gaim, ruffled Y/n's hair.

Trik: "Don't be sorry. Be better. You've gotta fight with the intent to kill in every battle."

Young Y/n: "But I don't wanna kill anything! Momma said that Life is precious, and that you shouldn't kill things unless it's absolutely necessary for survival."

Trik pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head while cursing under his breath.

Trik: "Goddammit. What the hell is that bitch teaching you? Listen! You are my son. You know what that means?"

Young Y/n shook his head no, with a curious look on his face.

Trik: "It means that you are a Bujin and an Overlord. A born Warlord! The blood that runs through your veins makes you the strongest human alive! All your opponents will bow before your immense power and natural skills! You just need to tap into you bloodline! Unleash your godlike rage! AND DAMN MY ENEMIES TO AN AFTERLIFE BEYOND THE BURNING PITS OF HELL! AAAAHHHH HAHAHAAA AAAAHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!"

Trik continued to laugh maniacally, as Y/n looked at him filled with confusion. Suddenly Gina yelled at Trik, stopping his laughter.

Gina: "TRIK!"

Trik: "WHAT WOMAN!?"

Gina: "HERE! NOW!"

Gina then turned toward Y/n with a sweet smile.

Gina: "Sweetie. Your father and I need to talk for a moment. We'll be back in a minute. Trik!"

Trik: "I'M COMING YA DAMN INVES! Keep practicing kiddo."

Young Y/n: "Alright... Papa."

Trik walked towards Gina while continuously cursing Gina under his breath. Meanwhile, Y/n looked at himself with curiosity, thinking about his father's words.

Young Y/n: "A born Warlord?"

Suddenly, Young Y/n heard a twig snap in a bush behind him.


Gina: "What the hell are you doing?"

Gina was standing infront of Trik scolding him.

Trik: "I'm raising my son."



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