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If you read the summary before clicking that Read button, you should know what this book's about.

But, in case you didn't...

This book contains titles for books/short stories/poems which I have personally come up with myself!

And they're all free for you guys to use! So go nuts!


Of course, if you do use a title and were inspired by it to write a story or poem, I'd love it if you could credit me or tag me somewhere so I can see it!

Also, if you have written something using one of the titles in this book, PM and let me know! I'll add it under the title so other people can read what you've written!


Basically, each chapter will contain 10 titles that range from simple, vague titles to strange or weird, specific titles—all pulled from my "big imagination"!

And that should cover it! Have fun and I hope you get inspired!

Book Name Ideas [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now