Chapter 18~ Lust

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Noah's POV

I picked up the leaf from the blood soaked earth and sniffed it. She wasn't prepared for the wild...leaving her scent on everything she touched. I jumped up into the tree and sat next to her.

"Don't make me do this Kaitlyn... I don't wanna hurt you." I sighed and fumbled with the tranquilizor in my pocket. 

"Why would I hurt you, I want you in me...right now." she smirked and climbed onto my lap. It took all of my might to dig the the needle into her back.

"Noah...what" she breathed and fell limp into my arms. 

"I'm gonna kill you!" She groaned and tried to sit up.

"You can try can try." I chuckled as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. I held her close and jumped down. My father passed me his jacket to place over her. 

"Let's get her to the pack house... because we have a new alpha now." Father said.

"Who is that father?"

"You, my were always the legacy." He smiled and patted me on the back before taking off running. I breathed and shook my head before putting her in the car and driving to the house.

After half an hour we arrived. The pack was stood outside waiting for news on Ryder. They had all felt his pain as he was tortured by dad so my initation needed to be quick. 

I handed Kaitlyn to Lilly-Mae who took her to the chambers and locked her up. Father led me to the woods where the cabin was. 

I removed my jacket as he grabbed the dagger. 

"Are you ready son, to lead this pack with pride and honour. To protect through the thickest storms and gruesome battles?"

"I am sir." I said, bowing my head. Theo dragged Ryder in and threw him to his knees at my feet. 

"Hold out your arm Ryder." Father said, refusing to look him in the eye.

"Please father...don't do this to me." He begged crying like a child. Father scoffed and dug the knife into his arm letting the blood ooze out into a cup. He then used the same knife to cut through my skin. Allowing the bloods to mix and separate again. I felt a surge of energy run through my body as Ryder fell to the floor.

"Now tell me Alpha...what are we to do with the traitor?" He smiled. I breathed and threw my head back. 

"We make him a man again." I smirked. The boys laughed and dragged him to the pit. I pushed him in and Hood entered as well.

"What is he doing here?" Ryder spat looking up at the heavy weight champion boxer. 

"He's here to fight." I laughed as he threw an uppercut blow to his jaw. 

I nodded at Hood and walked away, for some reason hearing the echoing grunts and screams made me happy... I knew there was something wrong with me.

"Babe...I'm sorry....let me out." I heard Kaity groan as I neared the chamber. I put my hand on the door handle and breathed. 

"Hello Kaitlyn how are you today." I smirked and swung open the door. She was sat on the window sill with Lillie-Mae. 

"Lils...why are you here?" I scowled.

"We're just playing Noah...I'm sorry." She sniffled and ran to my side.

"It's okay." I smiled and held her.

"Go to your mommy now, it's dinner." I said, she hugged me and smiled before running out.

"What the hell Kaitlyn! She's 4." I growled and pushed her against the wall. She smirked and lowered my hands to her waist.

"That's more like it." She winked and bit her lip. I smiled slightly but snapped out of it and pushed her back again.

"Do you not love me like you promised?" She pouted and sped behind me. 

I shook my head and pinned her hands above her head.

"Oh I do, you're just being bad." I growled. She smirked and inched closer to me.

"You gonna tell me off...alpha." She kicked me and jumped on top of the table. 

"You know?" I spat.

"What that you and your psycho father drained the blood out of your brother. Then sent him to get beaten in a pit but a heavy weigh champion?.. yeah I know."

"How? No one else..."

"Lillie-Mae has extraordinary abilities. She offered to help me.  I have to say I'm disappointed Noah. I didn't pin you down to be that...brutal." She laughed playfully and ducked underneath my arms.  

"Don't use my family Kaitlyn... once you join the pack, you'll need their respect." I sighed. She rolled her eyes and flopped onto the bed.

"I'm not joining your pack." She laughed and sat up. 

"What? You have my blood in you." I growled. She laughed again and tutted.

"But I also have vampire blood in me. I think it's time I found my uncle." She taunted me skipping around in circles. I screamed up and pulled her to the ground, baring my fangs. She squealed and let a tear slip down her cheek. 

" have to train. After that, you can choose. Wolf or Vampire. I won't force you." I sighed and left the room without turning back. I slammed the door and ran out into the woods before collapsing and screaming. 

"Why! Don't take her away from me..." I whispered.

"I can help Noah." I heard a voice giggle. I looked up to see a beautiful woman with dark horns growing from her head. 

"Cassandra!" I smiled hugging her tightly. 

"Hey, you got girl problems? Why didn't you call me?" She laughed. 

"I didn't realise I had them til now."

"Fair enough, rumour has it your girl is the Lycan... that true?" She asked, filing her nails. 

"Yes, it is true. But that isn't the issue." I sighed and sat under the tree. She followed and sat beside me. 

"She's gone rogue? Too horny? Too violent?" She said.

"Try...all of the above. She said she might not join the pack. She's my mate Cass, she has to join me." I sulked. 

"She doesn't have to do anything... her true self has been revealed so she is the true alpha of her own pack. She just needs to find one." 

"I overheard Daddy talking about a new pack consisting of Vamps and Wolfs. Your girl is the rightful leader." She laughed.

"So Lucifer knows about her...great. Now she's probably his next masterpiece am I right?" 

"What daddy wants...daddy gets." She sighed.

"You need to let her go before he kills you." She conjured up a bar of chocolate and started to eat it. 

"I can't just...let her go."

"She's dangerous, She doesn't care about you anymore Stark. She needs someone like the devil to contain let her go. You'll get her back in 10 years. That's nothing at all." She begged.

"She' the chamber." I said facing away.

"Good choice, I'll see you in 10 years." She giggled and vanished into thin air. I fell to my knees and held my chest. 

"I'm sorry Kaitlyn...go happy. Be free and have a good life. I love you." 

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