Chapter 1

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Ruby's POV

Key reminder: A/N: "Hi"|Thoughts: "Hi"|Regular Font/Characters talking: "Hi"

There I was...laying in my bedroom, playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky on my DS. I'm what you can say a Pokemon fangirl, knowing and strategizing every Pokemon I had in my collection of the RPG games. Right now, I'm playing one of my favorites. I held my device tightly in my hands, my eyes narrowing at the screen before me as I focused on the current boss fight. One of the most hardest fights that was ever made in a Mystery Dungeon game. My starter in the game was Riolu, it being one of my favorite fighting types throughout the whole franchise. Thus my partner and best friend in the game being Pikachu. Because why not? Who wouldn't love the yellow electric mouse? Anyways, I had my partner I named Citrine with me for the whole adventure. I leveled up and powered the both of us up for this upcoming moment. I've been saving up money during my whole journey to buy and stock up on just the right amount of items I needed for the final boss fight...Dialga.

That ball of pure rage and negativity was a pain in the ass at times like this. Each time I make any type of movement, Dialga was always right on my tail. The steel/dragon type Pokemon would always cause a huge amount of damage to my starter and Citrine. Loud, frustrating growling could be heard in my room, my main character's HP drastically dropping down to 1 HP every damn second I try to attack it. My eyes would dart back and forth, beads of sweat dripping down my forehead as well as my hands beginning to shake. My thumbs and fingers would make quick movements while I quickly opened up the menu. My hands were shaking pretty badly, forcing me to set the device down.

The sound of my HP being low rang in my ears, it blaring loudly and echoed in my room as I had the sound up to help me focus better. The health point bar was flashing red and indicating that I use and Oran Berry, and FAST. I brought my hands up to my forehead, grunting and groaning as I thought on what to do next. I wiped the sweat away, taking deep breaths to calm my stress level down. After a few moments of breathing, I brought my hands down, sitting up. I reached for the device to be called by my mom, making me freeze. "Ruby, dinner is ready!"

My eyes went wide, my eyes looking at the screen of my DS and back to the open crack of my bedroom door. "Just a second, I'm trying to beat this level!" I called out to her before I picked up my game again. My Riolu and partner's sprites were moving in place, making little gestures that they added to the game's appeal. I softly smiled, loving every second of their cute movements. I went back to my battle, moving my diagonal pad up to the word "Items". I clicked on it, scrolling through all my Oran Berries and Reviver Seeds I brought along with me. My smile faded as it turned into a slight frown, my focus coming back. I blocked the sound of my surroundings, picking an Oran Berry. The screen showed the name's of mine and my partner Citrine's character, asking me which Pokemon I wanted to heal.

I chose myself, seeing how Citrine still had half of it's health left. Both Pokemon were Lv. 50, being somewhat strong enough to fight Dialga. The screen showed my character getting healed, along with telling me that in a description on the screen. Thank god Dialga didn't use Roar of Time or I would've been screwed. Just right after I healed, Dialga read my mind. The blue looking dragon used Roar of Time, instantly killing both me and Citrine. I gasped, growling in never-ending rage as I yet again lost to Dialga's signature move. Riolu and Pikachu's sprites fell to the ground, laying limp as the game showed if I wanted to continue the last time I saved, or send help. I didn't have any other Pokemon nerds like me for friends to help me so I clicked on the "give up" option to continue from my last save point.

"FRICK!!" I yelled out in anger, sighing and groaning as I threw my DS on my bed. "I'll never beat this damn game..." Just as I said that, my screen on my handheld device turned completely black which caught my attention. 'H-Huh...? I didn't turn it off...' I glanced at the screen and thought to myself. When I reached my hand out and grabbed my DS to see what was wrong, a loud zapping noise could be heard, burning my hand and making my vision turn black as well. And this is the beginning of where my whole life changed the moment I lost that fight against the almighty Dialga.

A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed part one of this new fan fiction I'm making. I worked very hard on this first chapter, and I hope I'll get feedback and comments to help me on making this fan fic at it's best! Sorry if I made certain errors in my punctuation, let me know so I can fix it, thank you. Anyways, see ya until the next chapter! Peace!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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