Emoji Starter

257 4 291

🎉 Our muses have a vegas wedding!
💎 Our muses accidentally ( or purposely ) steal a valuable object!
🏫 Our muses are high-schoolers!
👶 Our muses meet as children!
💀 Our muses are held hostage!
💤 Our muses fall into a deep sleep and are stuck in the same dream!
🌆 Our muses escape the city to start a new life together!
💋 Our muses appear on the 'Kiss Cam' at a sports game!
🎁 Our muses exchange special gifts to each-other!
🛀 Our muses take a bath together!
🎱 Our muses play pool together and make bets!
🎠 Our muses visit the fair!
🎈 Our muses crash a party together!
🐷 Our muses visit a zoo!
🎾 Our muses get into a competitive sports battle
🎤 Our muses do a little karaoke together!
🚀 Our muses try to find another planet to live on because earth is dying!
⚉ Our muses go bowling together!
☣ Our muses play with an Ouija board!
🔍 Our muses try to solve a crime together!
💰 Our muses win the lottery!
🚢 Our muses go on a cruise!
❄ Our muses are stranded outside during a snow storm!
☬ Our muses try to survive a 'purge' night together!
⚓ Our muses lost out at sea together!
📖 Our muses are story-book characters!
🎃 Our muses go trick-or-treating... when it's not Halloween!
🎥 Our muses are movie/t.v show characters!
💥 Our muses are transported to a different world / time!
🔪 Our muses are trapped in a building with a killer!
♖ Our muses live poor lives in the 19th century!
⚒ Our muses build things in wood-shop class together!
🍤 Our muses get curious and visit an 'adult' store!
☕ Our muses meet and share a table at a cafe together!
☏ Our muses talk on the phone to each-other in the middle of the night!
⌲ Our muses pass notes during class / work !
✎ Our muses model and draw for each other!
🏰 Our muses in the time of knights, princes, dragons, ect!
🐢 Our muses visit an aquarium !
🌠 Our muses watch the stars together and see a shooting star!
💢 Our muses get into a heated argument about something stupid!
🍻 Our muses go to a bar together!
🍺 Our muses go clubbing together!
💅 Our muses give each-other makeovers!
🔮 Our muses visit a psychic to tell their future!
🎭 Our muses go to a masked ball!
🎮 Our muses play video-games together!
🔦 Our muses are lost in a forest with only a flashlight!
💣 Our muses must escape a building before a bomb goes off!
🎰 Our muses gamble away at a casino!
♥ Our muses meet for the first time!

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