Chapter 1 (Mary-Kate)

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"The Mermaid's score again!" The announcer screams into the microphone witch was the main cue for the band to strike up, so we did we started playing Seaward's fight song, I'm standing in the flute section dressed in my marching band uniform, the school colors are blue and silver, so naturally that's our marching band uniform colors along with some black and white, but thats only to make them look better, everything I was wearing was mainly blue, there was a silver stripe across the front of the jacket with two black stripes on both sides of it then the rest was blue, in the silver stripe it had SWHS in white witch stood for Seaward High School, the pants were just simple blue and had a silver stripe down each side, my hat was blue as well but in the center front it had a SWHS on it in silver, and black boots, everything we wore was long so of course we were all extremely hot. We finished the fight song and the cheerleaders were still doing their cheers, I've never like any of them they all bully me, I'm in ever single AP class and academic club the school has, along with playing the flute that's just asking to be teased. The thing is they know nothing about my life. I looked up at the field instantly finding the star quarterback, James Peer, he's more then just the star quarter back name a sport, any sport and he dominates it. Our school was winning, we were in our fourth quarter and so far it looks as if it will be a shutout game, the score was 49 to 0. The game was in its last two minutes so it was clear we won, most of the crowd has gone home, the best part was it was an away game. I'm sure James will go professional in the future and get a full scholar ship to any school he wants just from one sport, then there's me I'm going to get many academic scholar ships and maybe just maybe a band scholar ship and will probably still have to pay some out of pocket. If only I was as lucky as him.

The minutes run down quickly and when we heard the buzz telling us the quarter/game was over everyone cheered that was here for Seaward, we quickly played the victory song and packed everything up making our way to the busses to go back to the school, we had gotten everything off of the busses and put away, very quickly since we all had to take care of our own things. So after I had hung up my uniform in the closet, I quickly fixed my shorts, fixed my tank top, slipped on my flats and grabbed my leather backpack, it looks like a canvas backpack but its bigger then most but not by much and its made of dark brown leather. I checked my phone for the first time all night, no missed calls, and no texts that need replies, I'm not surprised at all. I'm no able to go right away since my dad never comes to pick me up, and it's not really a good idea for me to walk with it being so dark, so the band director always gives me a ride home after a game, so I'm sitting in his office as he makes sure everything is in it's proper place. "Let's go Mary-Kate" he said once he finishes everything up and of course I pop up right out of his chair and walk with him to his car, it was a hunter green four door jeep, I sat in the passenger seat and he got behind the wheel and started driving toward my house. He is the only teacher I've ever trusted enough to know where I live or know what's going on at home. He knows that my dad treats me like shit, if I don't do what ever he says right then I normally get beat, everything at home for me is be getting beaten up, me coming home this late normally can get away from all of the beating, since he's normally passed out drunk on the couch, but then there is the occasional night where he's still awake when I come home late, and then I'm not in school for a few days because its much worse when I get home extremely late...well extremely late is passed 9:00 PM for him. "Are you sure you want to go back in that house you can get away, go to the police, you won't have to see him again" Mr. Charters said when we turned onto my street, it was a very rundown neighborhood full of drug dealer, gangs, and worse.

"I'm sure I can survive, Mr. Charters it is my last year hopefully" I said with a fake smile, I've never really had given a real smile, mainly because I've never had a reason to. My mother died when I was a born, the closest thing to kindness ever shown to me was being part of the marching band and Mr. Charters giving me a ride home whenever it got to late, or if it was getting late and I hadn't eaten yet he would take me out to get something to eat and us waiting till my father was passed out. "I'll be fine, see you Monday" I said when we pulled up in front of my house and I quickly jumped out seeing my father was still awake, so I quickly grabbed my bag and ran to the house and in the door it was 11:00 PM how was he still awake? I'm in serious trouble tonight.

"MARY-KATE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" my father yelled at me and threw his empty glass beer bottle at me that he just finished, and opened another one, he hit me in the head the eye to be exact luckily it didn't break till it hit my foot witch caused some of the glass to get into my foot, "CLEAN THAT UP AND THEN SIT IN YOUR ROOM TILL I NEED YOU AGAIN" he screams at me and I run into the living room since it was the only way to get to the kitchen where the broom is, I had to go my the window and I saw that Mr. Charters had just then pulled away, he probably knew that it's a good chance I won't be in school Monday, even though I really hope I will.

I clean up the mess and go to my room shortly after that he comes into my room and starts beating me but not till after he puts tape on my mouth so no one would hear me scream.

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