Chapter 10 (James)

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I watched MK run out of the with her new backpack, I wasn't sure on what to make it look like but since she was in band I figured that the school colors on it. She seemed very happy with it. It was everyone's way of saying thank you to her for teaching us. "Dude it's kinda obvious that you like her to everyone but her" Peter said and hit my back.

"You know home coming is coming up, why not ask her to the dance" Alex said, "even I don't see a problem with her anymore, and I'm not just saying that because I'm scared of her."

"She wouldn't date me" I said, "why would she, she's amazing, smart, beautiful, will get into any school she wants. Why would she date a guy that the only way he will get accepted into college because of sports."

"You're clueless" Sam said and all of us started cleaning up, by the time we had finished MK came back in and she was smiling like an idiot, still cute though.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked her.

"I swear we have the best principal ever," she said setting her bag down and walked over to about the middle of the room and just laid down.

"Why's that?" I asked her expecting some weird answer like always.

"Whenever I go in there she acts like a teenager, till she gets what she wants to hear" she giggled and rolled onto her elbows where she was now looking at us right side up.

"What did she want to know?" Sam asked.

"Just the normal stuff, a teenage best friend would want to know" she said and took the ponytail out of her hair, "crushes, school, parties, and music stuff like that."

Just to be nosey who did you say for the crush" Sam asked.

"None of your business fuzzy" she said, she was the only one who ever called him fuzzy no one knows why.

"Why do you call him fuzzy?" Peter asked and all of the other guys but me, Peter, MK, Sam and Alex.

"Because I can science dude" she said she has a nickname for all four of us no one else, Sam is fuzzy, Peter is science dude, Alex is Running man, self explanatory there, and I'm King. The reason Peter is science dude is because when it comes to work he knows every answer to the science classes, and I'm trying to figure out King still.

"MK why do you have all these nicknames for us?" I asked her.

"Same reason, because I can" she said and the rest of us all laid down next to her, I was on her left and Sam was on the other side of me, Peter was on the other side of her and Alex was on the other side of him.

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