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"Frame ..."

The harsh sounds of people screaming and blaring sirens was what Frame woken up to. Unable to breathe, he turned onto his side, coughing and gasping for the air he didn't know he needed.

After what seemed like he coughed out his lungs, Frame moved himself into a sitting position. Everything that was going on around him started to piece together, and his gaze froze on the burning building in front of him. Immediately, Frame searched the area around him for his Beloved.

"Book!" Frame coughed out and limped around the people of survivors, scanning each person as he passed. He knocked many people over, but he couldn't care about anyone right now if the person wasn't Book.

Tonight was the celebration of what foreigners called Halloween. Where people dressed up in costumes and pretended to be monsters or other people. With college and work, Frame hadn't had any time to really take Book out on a proper date. Tonight was supposed to be a fun filled night, at least, he wanted it to be since Book had never been to something like this before.

Frame wasn't entirely sure what caused the fire in the building that held the party, everything was a blur. No matter how hard he thought, he couldn't even remember when he last saw his fiance. He could've sworn Book never left his side... but then why would he have woken up by the side walk alone?

'Book... where are you?'

Worry and guilt started to envelop him when the sudden vibration of the phone in his pocket broke him out. Hastily, Frame pulled it out and a sigh of relief passed through his lips at the person calling. "Book, where are you? Are you okay? Why-" Frames words broke off as he heard the coughing on the other end. Screams and roars of flame were also heard in the background, making it almost hard to hear.

"Frame..." Book choked out, "why.. did you leave me?"

A loud explosion erupted into the night, and the building collapsed, and the line went dead. Frame's entire body went rigid, his phone slipping from his hand and crashed to the pavement beneth. Shaking, Frame turned back to the remains of the still burning building. "No..." Frame shook his head in disbelief, "i-it can't ..." he took a step towards the direction he just came from and crumbled onto his knees. Hot brimming tears escaped his eyes as he let out a heart breaking cry.


"Why did you leave me?"

Frame sat up in cold sweat, his breathing ragged and heart pounding. Looking around, Frame was in the one place he was least expecting to be. He was home. Frame looked down at himself, hoping that everything had just been a dream, only to find his clothes dirty and smelling like fire. The realization that Book was never going to walk through the door again... it made Frame sick. It felt like someone had taken a knife and drove it into his chest but in a painful way where he did not die.

Why as he there? Why was he back in their apartment? How did he get back? There were so many questions that it made Frame feel like he was suffocating. He needed to get out, he needed to go. Book was still out there and he needed to find him. Even if he was already dead.

Forever || A FrameBook oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now