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It's 3:25 am,

But yoongi keeps thinking about what Jimin said,

" Who does he think he is?  My mom? He doesn't know shit."

The pair met awhile back, Yoongi was on his second year of college and looking for a roommate; he didn't want to live and in the dorms and couldn't afford an apartment on his own.

He lay in silence for a while after that. Thinking.

By the time he looks back at the clock again it's  3:34.

"Thanks Jimin" he thinks and sighs.

His thoughts start to muddle and he's  about to fall asleep again; it's Saturday morning anyway, he might as well sleep in.


He sleeps for maybe an hour before, the annoying 'Dhrr' of the broken left side curtain, startles him awake. Great

"Hyung." just great.

"What, Jimin." frustration clear Yoongis  voice.

"I went downstairs to get the mail this morning..." He let out a drawn out sigh and rolls his eyes into his pillow before hearing Jimin's soft footsteps on the floor.


"Well... First of all, why are still subscribed to Dog Dad Weekly  we haven't had Holly here in like 300 years." He draws out his dramatic 300.

"Cuz I got an email saying that I could get this issue free." Face starting to scrunching up a little "Plus your annoying ass is the only one who reads those annoying magazines, you don't even have a dog."

Jimin gasps loudly.

"Low blow, you know I've always wanted to adopt one, you're such a rat Yoongi huyng I don't even know why we're still friends your always so mean to me I don't even..."

Yoongi let's out the most dramatic fake snore he can.

" Sorry we're you saying something, I feel asleep cuz it's like 4 in the morning and there's a huge ugly roach in my room."

"Wait... Why are you up so early, and Why exactly were you getting the mail so early." Says Yoongi getting tad bit suspicious.

A pinkish flush reaches Jimin's cheeks before he turns around to face Yoongi's bedroom door muttering,
"Nosy huyng, can't have any secrets to myself anymore, what's happend to this generation..."


"Jiminnnss a bitchhhhh..."

"I will ATTACK you."

"Try me bitch"

It's now 2:00 in the afternoon.They've been sitting in the same spots on the couch for about 2 hours straight.  Both being too stubborn to just get up. Jimin's phone notification goes off, 3 times in a row...?

"Looks like daddy needs attention." Yoongi says  snickering to himself.

Jimin's cheeks turn a cute shade of pink but his face scrunches into an ugly sneer " HUYNG, that's nasty! Stoooppp."

Yoongi sticks his tongue out at jimin, blowing a sloppy raspberry at him. He raised his eyebrows in realization, a smirk grows on his face. In the most nonchalant voice he can muster he says-

"So... Jiminie, are you gonna, I don't know, check who it is."
Jimin turned to glare at him.

"You bitch, you want me to get up!"

"HoW, COuld YOu EveR ThINK ThAT."

That's all it took to get jimin on his feet, before he lunged at Yoongi arms out stretched, going for a killing blow to his mid-thigh. He landed with a heavy thud on top off Yoongi, viciously poking the soft spot between his hip and rib cage.

Until his phone went off again, this time it was a call. He hopped off but not before slapping Yoongis soft stomach, which now had a small red hand print from where he slapped him.

Jimin brought the phone to his ear, his entire demeanor changing into one of a nice young man instead of the blood thirsty savage he was. He spoke softly a small smile appearing on his face.

Yoongi rolls his eyes, groaning in pain, there's definitely going to be a bruise there.

"Hello" he said in a cheery voice.

"..." Jimin nods his head letting a hum of agreement.

"Okie dokie..."
"Aigh, love you byyeeee."

Yoongi groans, bored. He picks up the remote and turns on the TV, skimming past titles on Netflix as jimin taps again on his phone, all while smiling cheekily.

"Hey, jimin-ah?" He whisper yelled.

"What is it yoongi-shii." Yoongi's glares softly at him.

"First of all, it's HUYNG to you. And was that your boyfriend...?" He says wagging his eyebrow at jimin.

Jimin throws a pen at him. "No, you know I'm a single Pringle."

"By the way, we got invited to a party, you wanna go?"

Yoongi shrugs "Depends, is it with those frat boys...? What's his name? Jungkook..? That guy?"

"You know, jungkook isn't a frat boy, he just likes to show up and show off his new outfits, he wants us to go so he can show off his long hair."

"If he's not a frat boy, then why does he take pictures with them at their house?" Yoongi says.

"He's friends with a lot of the guys, plus they all love him and he gets them alot of attention with that cute face."

Yoongi groans, " Fine, I guess I can go, it's not like I have sleep to catch up on, or snacks to eat, or tv to watch."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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